Chapter Five - Distress

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Chapter Five - Distress

We laid there side by side, with mere inches between us, trying to fall asleep. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could hear his breathing. I tried desperately to ignore it but with my heart racing my mind raced with it.

My desire to touch him, touch his lips, his hair. I sighed to myself and rolled onto my left side. I was a little frustrated with myself. I had been angry at him and now I felt, different.

"I can't sleep," I whispered.

"I know," he whispered back.

"Hmm," I hummed.

[Well, I could sleep if there weren't people whispering.] Midnight pawed at my feet.

I laughed and I looked over to Ian when I heard him laughing a little too. His eyes were so gorgeous, their green rims glowed as it caught any light it could. My breath caught when I looked into them and he noticed.

Midnight jumped off the bed and went to find a new place to sleep. He knew we wouldn't be quiet for a while.

"Do you miss it?" I asked in a longing whisper.

Ian rolled over onto his side to look at me and laid his head on his arm. "I do actually. Even as it was dying, it was still more beautiful than this planet." His eyes glistened as he spoke of our old home.

"I wish I could remember as easily as you can. Just from the memory I saw made me wish I could remember more." I frowned as I thought about that.

How different it would have been for me to have grown up there if the sun hadn't been destroyed. Maybe my parents would still be alive.

Ian was watching me as I thought to myself. "What are you thinking about?"

"My parents," I said with a sigh.

"Oh." He seemed to not know what to say to me then.

I guess he didn't remember them much either. "Do you remember them? How they were?" I asked to try and see if maybe he did remember. I wanted to know more about them but I also wanted him to speak more.

"They loved each other very much and most of all they loved you," he said sweetly while staring into my eyes.

I cracked a half smile at him. "Thank you." I rolled over then. I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. I sighed to myself for even bringing them up because now I was sad.


I was awakened by a loud purr and meow from Midnight. I sat up in bed and noticed that Ian was no longer lying next to me. I sighed loudly.

"Why did you wake me Midnight?" I asked him as I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

[I am in desperate need to be let out, please,] he meowed louder.

"Ian doesn't want me to go out. Will you be alright if I let you out alone?"

[Yes, yes. Please open the door,] he begged.

I laughed as I walked over to the door. "All right, but please hurry and try not to get caught."

He meowed at me and ran off towards the woods. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and my hair before peeking out the door for Midnight. He still wasn't back and I began to worry. I couldn't lose him now. Just as I was about to close the door, I saw him come around the corner and I sighed with relief.

He ran back through the open door and shook himself off. I relocked the door and turned to see him cleaning himself.

"Feel better?" I asked as I got him a can of food.

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