A murder at horseacre high (book 1)

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It was a ordinary day at  horseacre high. People were screaming at other people and people were slamming their lockers. Our main character (Keller)was walking to class with his best friend Jon, when all of a sudden they heard a scream coming from one of the bathrooms. When one of the teachers knocked on the door to see if everything was okay a monster stepped out and let out a huge bloodthirsty roar before licking its dagger-like claws. The second everyone saw this monstrosity the were running towards the door of the library (if your wondering why the library you’ll find out in a second).
Sadly, one of the teachers wasn’t quite quick enough. He was eaten alive. Luckily everyone made a good decision to go to the library as the doors could only be opened by a teacher or student .
In the library, hiding amongst 11 other people were Jon and Keller “Jon what is that thing ?“asked Keller “I don’t know but  whatever it is it has a taste for humans,”  joked Jon. “Shush ,“whispered Kate brown (Keller’s crush).”Yes ,do what she says,idiots,” hissed Bob yellowrake (One of the school bullies) But before Jon could say something the murderer yanked the steel doors of their hinges and stormed into the room, then the janitor tried to fight it off with a broom but the monster had already picked him up and threw him out the window and unluckily the library is on the 4th floor. But the monster was still hungry for more ,luckily Bob,Keller,Jon,Kate and Niko(you’ll find out more about Niko later) had just sneaked out the library without ‘it’ noticing and had ran outside onto the playground and ran home as fast as possible.
On the next day Timmy walked into class “Timmy where were you yesterday? “asked Niko ”A monster attacked us!” but before Timmy could answer Keller butted in “Yes where were you yesterday” he asked “It’s kind of suspicious that you weren’t here on the day that a monster attacks us,” “I was ill ,”Timmy shouted a little to quickly to believe. “I’ve got my eye on you ,”said Keller.
Ring!Ring!Ring! The bell rang. “Keller it’s time to go to recess ,”Said Jon.”wait a minute, “Keller replied “We need to follow Timmy, ”Just then Timmy walked outside holding something in his hand “c’mon Jon,” Started Keller “We need to  figure out whether he is responsible or not,” Then our heroes followed Timmy outside onto the playground but a twig snapped under Jon’s feet and that made Timmy and Niko turn around. Luckily there was a wide tree right next to our heroes so they managed to leap behind it in time but Niko has Eagle eyes so he spotted them. “leave us be,” started Niko “Whatever you think Timmy is not the murderer,okay?”.”If you think I’m the killer then I’ll tell you that I wasn’t the only person ill yesterday, “exclaimed Timmy. “Then who were the other people? “Asked Keller.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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