1. Parties and Other Strangers.

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Rae's POV.

Riley peered into her binoculars at the glorious sight again. I followed suit.

We were hiding behind the bushes, watching and monitoring it with much attention, excitement and great silence. This "it" was the party of the year, hosted by Miranda Logan, one of the richest and most popular kids in school.

"I've seen him!" Reece squealed, looking in an entirely different direction from Riley and I. We looked in her direction and adjusted our binoculars to get a closer look.

"Oh my gosh!" He's here!" Riley scream-whisphered, with her binoculars tightly pressed against her face.

"I thought he said he wasn't coming. He and Miranda had a fight." I said shocked.

"Rae, they are still dating. They are like the perfect couple! Like the kind that will win prom king and prom Queen, and go to the same college and eventually get married!" Reece explained to me very seriously like she could not believe I did not understand the most obvious fact in the world. Then she turned back and pressed the binoculars to her face again and concluded, "So yeah, he should be at her party."

We continued to watch the party in silence.
It was a pool party and everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives. There was a lot of loud music, happy/flirtatious screaming, girls being playfully pushed  into pools, bikinis, hot guys, toned people and everything else.

And then, there was Danté.

He lay on a beach chair, lightly tanned, with his dark hair lightly tousled over his face. His hazel eyes were blocked with shades and he was... reading a book?
Who reads a book at a party. A pool party?

He was sitting next to his best friend Luke, who was talking to some girls that were continuously laughing flirtatiously, all decked out in bikinis.

Then, just then, Miranda sashayed over to Dante and grabbed his hand limply, attempting to drag him somewhere. He shook his head lightly and smiled saying something. The way his dimpled revealed and concealed as he spoke was so cute. She sat on his lap and pouted. He said something and smiled again revealing beautiful, cute dimples. Then I heard Riley sigh. Miranda threw her head back in laughter and kissed him, then sashayed away again.
That pig.
Then Dante continued reading his book, obviously bored of the party.

"We should go now. We were meant to be at the library remember?" Riley said stuffing her binoculars in her bag pack.

"We have homework to do and its getting late!" I suddenly remembered.

"And there's school tomorrow!" Reece groaned.

"We should go."


"The assignment is due tommorow, and we have no idea whatsoever, what we want to do!" I said snapping a history textbook shut.

"Yes. And we were watching, not attending, but watching a party-" Riley began but Reece cut in,
"-courtesy, of you."

"Seriously guys, my mom said that if I don't make at least an A minus this term, I'm not going for spring camp."

"Oh my days Rae! You must be under so much pressure!" Riley said without a thought, totally engrossed in her magazine.

Reece mummured something as well.

"You guys don't even care!" I said disbelievingly at them.

" Of course we do Rae!" Riley said sincerely to me, blinking the bright blue eyes on her serious face. She had long strawberry blonde that that she kept in a permanent ponytail, and only let it lose on special occasions, and long eye lashes.
"Let's set to work right away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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