Untitled Part 1

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"Now I know most of you don't realize how beautiful your body is, you need to understand the amazing artwork that is your body. You need to understand that you don't just draw genitals, you create a visionary aesthetic, a feature of our treasured l-" Professor Way was distracted by one of his students- Frank Iero. Well, this wasn't just any one of his students. Professor Way had been struck by his beauty ever since he started taking his class. Frank had black hair, with a long fringe that grew into an emo swoop, which he often had to take out of his eyes. Frank's green eyes, which Professor Way found mesmerizing, met someone else- Ryan Ross. Frank was flirting with him. "No talking in my class, Iero," He walked up to the student's desk."That's a detention, I expect to see you here after class" Frank was looking at his teacher, biting his bottom lip.

"I, er,um, sorry" Professor Way tutted in response and continued his long as fuck lecture about genitals. After class, Frank obeyed his teacher and stayed in his seat, whilst his peers left. Once Professor Way was left alone with Frank, he locked the doors and closed the blinds.

"W-What are you doing?" Professor Way ignored his question.

"You know, bad boys get punished," Frank raised an eyebrow, watching his art teacher. "I hope you know I don't do gentle" he whispered the word 'gentle', not taking his eyes off Frank. Frank began to smile, as his teacher started unbuttoning his waistcoat, tossing his by his student's feet. He then unbuttoned his shirt, slower this time, throwing it near his student's feet again."You like?" he gestured his upper body, Frank attempted to speak but it came out in a stutter. The Professor chuckled lightly "You look like a horny teenage boy who has just discovered porn" he continued to undress, exposing his lower body, taking off his skinny jeans, moaning whilst doing so. "Your turn," Professor Way practically tore Frank's shirt off his body, and pulling his jeans down. Professor Way started to caress the students body, wanting to feel every curve. "Fuck, you're beautiful" without another word, Professor Way grabbed the back of Frank's hair pulling and tugging it as he crashed his lips with Frank's. He started biting Frank's bottom lip. The teacher pushed the student down on the floor, crawling on top of him. At this point he was essentially biting his student's face, resembling an extremely hungry lion. The Professor's grip wasn't strong enough, as he was soon unbalanced by the student, that soon took the Professor's place and put all of his weight on the teacher.

The Professor soon gave up trying to dominate his student and just lay down on the floor. Frank placed his tongue at the centre of the Professor's belly and began to make a path from his belly to his neck. Frank bit Professor Way's neck and started sucking the flesh from his neck, leaving purple bruises on his neck. Professor Way started to make loud, high-pitched moans. "W-Would R-Ryan l-let you do this to h-him?" The Professor struggled to complete his sentence without breaking down in moans.

"Jealous bitch," Frank got off the Professor and went to his bag under his desk "I have condoms" he walked back to his teacher, placing his dick on his hand, rolling the condom on it.

"Woah! What makes you think you top?" The Professor seemed quite offended. 

"Your ass screams bottom, Professor!" Frank said, rolling his eyes remembering his teacher's pathetic attempt to top. "Look, I was just like that because I was tired, don't make any assumptions" he pouted.

"Shut up." Frank rolled his eyes.

"Make me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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