Part 1

31 1 8

Just another day trapped inside by the evil sorceris Ms.Staple . I'm trapped inside because apparently I didn't hand in my writer's notebook. I think not! Then again , I don't think she'll just let me off the hook if I hand it in now.
Yesterday the evil sorceris Ms.Staple , told us the story of when she was speaking out loud and her teacher stuck a ball point pen into her skin and swiped it back and fourth on her forearm. I now think that's the reason why she's so evil! I think she never had a chance to express her feelings to that teacher , but then again after he lifted the pen from her forearm he glared at her and she said "That's so childish!". The next part of the story she told us it that he stomped out of the room angrily.
Laura was trapped inside too. She said " Oh man! I officially have nothing to write about!". Only a split second later , Ms.Staple got out her metre stick. As soon as that happened , Laura completely went into shock and started hyperventilating. Then , Ms.Staple came walking closer to Laura ...step by step she hit the palm of her hand with the metre stick. Laura was still hyperventilating and as Ms.Staple got closer , Laura backed up into a corner. As soon as Ms.Staple was only a step away from Laura , Laura burst out into tears. She was cryins so much she ran ou of tears and when Laura runs out of's not a good sign! Nobody knows what will happen next but in this case , she transformed herself into 1/3 sloth , 1/3 koala and 1/3 seal. She looked so weird that when she got up , she made Ms.Staple jump then back up very slowly towards her desk. When she jumped , the bell rang.
Mr.Tame walked in and dismissed the evil sorceris, Ms.Staple. She then said "Beware! YOU ALL WILL FEEL MY WRATH WHEN I RETURN!" .
Then she finally left.
Laura :"Mr.Tame save us!".
Mr.Tame : " I really want to but all I can do is discuss 3 plans that can stop her! 1. You all drink this really gross milkshake and throw up then call home sick . 2.I can secretly murder your parents without anyone knowing then you will be orphans and I will adopt you. I shall create a million dollar product , start a buisness , get rich , and adopt all 26 of you. 3.We could frame her for commiting a murder , she'll get fired , get a prison record and never get out of prison or be a teacher for the rest of her life. So which one is it?"
Me : "NONE! But if I had to choose a favourite I'd pick 1 , it's the least violent."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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