Chapter one

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"Mexo! If you don't hurry up I'm leaving!" Peru yelled from outside at the open window with Chile next to him who tapped away on his phone.

"I'm coming in coming! donde estan mis zapatos..." Mexico huffed as he found his shoes and put them on quickly, rushing to the door and walking out, meeting up with his friends. "I'm here! Happy?!" He grumbled as Peru smirked and walked.

"Yes I am, now come on before the match starts! You know the cafe will end up being busy!" He said and picked up the pace, Chile and Mexico right behind him.

The three countries were walking but the walk suddenly turned into a race when Chile started running and laughing, wagging his tail as he took the lead.

"I'll win-"

"No you won't!"

Mexico flew before him as he looked back at him and grinned and a second later, a loud gunshot was heard and Mexico was on the ground, crying.

In that moment when Chile was looking at Mexico, it all felt like it was slow as few droplets his his face, Mexico falling on the asphalt and clutching his shoulder while his injured wing bled.

"MEXO!" Peru rushed to his fallen friend who was curled on himself, blood coming out from the bullet wound while Chile stood there, terrified.

"M-Mexo..." he whimpered and looked around for any sight of who did that, but all he saw was the group of people forming near them.

"Chile, stay with me!" Peru clutched Mexico and turned to his friend, "Call an ambulance, now!" Peru shouted at Chile nodded and tried his best to call the ambulance but his fingers were shaking too much from his panic that he couldn't even enter his passcode and he cried.

"I-I- c-ca—-nt—" he sobbed and tried to stop his tears but it was to no avail.

Soon an ambulance arrived by the call of the crowd and Mexico was taken away from Peru's arm and so he went over to Chile who was being interrogated by an officer but due to his sobbing he couldn't get a word out.

"We..we were racing together.." Peru said sadly and put his hand on top of Chile's head and looked at the officer. "He was flying and suddenly he got shot..I couldn't see who did it.."

The interrogation went on and soon they were both let go and immediately went to see Mexico.


"Off to somewhere?"

Czech turned to who spoke to him and grinned. "Hey belgi! Just going for a flight. Need a breather."

"Will you be joining me and Netherlands to some tea later? I bought some new flavors!" Belgium held up a paper bag of some tea shop as Czech laughed and flapped his wings.

"I'll be sure to catch you up there, safe me a cup!"

"Don't be late! Four P.m.! You hear!" He shouted at his flying friend who only laughed and disappeared in the distance.

Czech looked around the town as he flew slightly low, smiling as he drowned in calmness and didn't notice the guy taking aim at him from a building.

Once Czech reached the spot above a lake, he fired at his wing and Czech gasped and began losing his altitude as he fell down fast, not knowing what to do, shout? Try to cushion the fall? The pain was making his brain a fuzz as he closed his eyes and felt his consciousness seeping away from him.

"Someone is falling!" Belgium was walking home when he heard the guy shout and turned to where he was pointing and indeed saw someone and his eyes widened at the familiarity of the flag.

"Czech?!" His bag dropped as he rushed to the lake that Czech fell into.


Soviet dropped the newspapers on the table and turned to Britain. "So you feel that this is all planned and not a coincidence?"

"Exactly." Britain sighed as he looked at his hands. "I don't want to believe it feels like the most logical reason..even the bullets match...first Mexico and now Czech..and they happened a few days apart.."

"Why won't UN do a meeting.." America crossed his arms as he looked at the big headlines in the newspapers. "We need to let everyone be cautious." He said and watched Russia take the newspaper and stare at it.

'Attack in Mexico leaving a country injured!'

He turned his eyes to the table to look at the other one and saw the big headline:

'A country was found in a lake with a bullet wound, immediately taken to hospital!'

Russia clutched the paper, his fists turning white. 'This must be a sick joke..'


A/N: this is a new book but it won't be updated daily, I'll try to update weekly, as it is still in production

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