Chapter 1 : The Camera

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Chapter 1 : The Camera(Prologue)

Error was panting as he changed his stance while he faced Ink.

Error had attained many injuries and had been holding on waiting for an opening for him to be able to run a code and dash but Ink was particularly persistent on finally capturing Error this time and wanted to give Error any second of chances.

Error thought of ways to leave this fight but he couldn't think of any, he even considered opening the codes and running into it but Ink would have a chance to run in with him and bug out the delicate system.

Ink and Error both were still catching their breath as both waited for one another to make the first move. After a while Ink finally decides to make the first move.

The white skeleton had his brush pulled on the back as he readies his attack, sprinting towards Error he was about to attack but a jelly like substance suddenly appeared behind Error.

"Error, brah!"

The jelly like substance opens and reveals an irksome skeleton, Fresh. Fresh pulls Error into bear hug which stuns Error and paused Ink's attack. As much as Ink hates this nuisance of a Sans he must restrain himself from attack it as a lot of people like Fresh and would be devastated if they come to know that Ink had either killed and injured it.

Fresh pulls Error into where the jello portal takes them and disappears.

Ink was displeased. The skeleton grips his brush and glares at where the jello portal resided before leaving.

Error was left stunned as Fresh continued to flailing Error around in the air.

Error continues to glitch as the skinship continues on. Fresh finally lets go and laughs at Error.

"Dude, you're still the same as ever!"

Fresh let out with the most surfer bro accent you could ever imagine and drops the immobilised skeleton. It took Error a few seconds but he was finally able to gain his composure back.

Error finally flinches and sits up and looks at the Bright and colourful skeleton in front of him and thinks of what to do. He would thank it for taking him out of the fight but at the same time shout at it for touching him.

"I would.... thank you for getting out of that fight but I'm not much of a thanker."

Error says bluntly as his multi-colored sclera and pupil judges the skeleton.

"You're welcome, brah. Anyways, gotta go!"

It said and left.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't care."

Error says out of nowhere and makes a dismissive wave as he scratches his head and flops down on nowhere.

Error knew he was in the ANTI-VOID but he wasn't in his little area.

"Didn't I say I don't care? Not like I can move much right now."

"Yeah, the ANTI-VOID slows down healing but not like you can teleport me anywhere."


"Do you have a connection?"

Ink asks the multiple Science Sans-es, all of them respond with an....


"Heh, we do but the resolution..."

An older Sans called Sci-fi says, all the other Sans-es in the room agree. Ink notices this.

"That's fine as long as we have a connection. Where is it?"

Ink demands. Sci-fi chuckles and leads Ink into a dark room where there would be nine monitors seen. All of them showed different live videos except for one and it was the top right one.

"Why is the top right one just black?"

Ink asks.

"We needed to test the connection of the device in different places so we tried it in the VOID. Fascinating, isn't it? You can't even tell whether it's falling or not..."

Sci-fi stated, Ink just looks in awe.

"The camera is minuscule thanks to the help of the Bitty Sans-es. I'm shocked that you were even able to transfer it onto Error..."

Ink just gives out a smug smile at the praise as Sci-fi types on the keyboard to turn on a different channel.

"Ah ha!"

Sci-fi clicks the final key and one of the tv screens turns white.
Ink looks at the screen dumbfounded and looks at Sci-fi.

" it-"

Ink gets cut off by a shush from Sci-fi. Ink looks at him confused and looks back at the screen. After looking at the white screen they hear the shuffling of clothes, like how you would hear it when your clothes collide with a mic.

Ink's eyes widened and grins.

It's working.

Ink smiles.


Ink Sans is by Comyet
Link of Tumblr:

Error Sans is by Crayon Queen or Love for Piggies
Link of Tumblr:

Fresh Sans is by Crayon Queen or Love for Piggies
Link of Tumblr:

Sci-fi is made by EchoGraph

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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