The boy and his dog

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Kazumi would be in the backyard of his house, sitting in front of the porch, on the steps of the old wooden house while looking at the sky with a sleepy and tired look, in the distance you could hear the barking of a dog that gradually became louder and disappeared. approached Kazumi, it was his dog. Kazumi, when she saw him, gave a small smile at the corner of her mouth and got up to go to him.

"Come here boy.." said Kazumi crouching down and stretching his arms towards his dog, who responded by running towards him and jumping into his arms "Wow, woof!!" Barking the big golden retriever named Atlas, who licked wildly at the boy's face who reciprocated by stroking the dog's head. Kazumi chuckled as he enjoyed that beautiful moment with his dog, something that was soon interrupted by his mother calling him to dinner

"Ahh... I'm going mom, I'm going-" He said getting up and walking away from his dog and going inside his house where his mother, father and older sister were waiting for him at the dinner table. Kazumi walked to the table and thus took a seat, looking around at his family who closed their eyes and held each other's hands, ready to say a prayer, which Kazumi hated.

"Oh great Jesus Christ, I ask that you bless our house and our dinner, I ask that you never run out of food in this house and I also ask that you enlighten my children so that they do not make the wrong decisions, amen!" Kazumi's mother ended the prayer, letting go of the others' hands and opening her eyes, followed by her husband and daughter. Kazumi hadn't closed his eyes because he thought it was ridiculous, he didn't believe in God or anything like that so there was no reason for him to do that.

"Let's eat now, I'm starving!" Kazumi's sister said while picking up the cutlery and getting ready to start eating. "Calm down Yumi, there's no need to rush like that, the food won't run away from the plate!" Her father said, placing a hand on the girl's arm. Meanwhile Kazumi picked up his knife and fork and ate in silence, not wanting to get involved in this conversation. A few hours passed and Kazumi had finished eating, getting up and leaving the table and heading to his room.

"Hey Kazumi! Where are you going? You didn't finish your food! Get back here boy! Get back here Kazumi!!" His mother screamed as she lifted her head to try to reach him as she saw him walking away. Kazumi made his way silently to his room, closing the door behind him, locking it and sitting on the floor beside his bed. He hugged his knees and stayed there, quiet and in the dark, as he began to hear his parents arguing, arguing about him. He covered his ears trying to drown out his parents' screams... But it didn't helped. Suddenly a smoke start to emerge from the middle of his room, and an evil laugh could be heard from it, and also a silhouette of someone. Who could be? Or better, what could be..?

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