New Guy

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I slowly go up the creaky stairs, one by one, as a strong sense of dread

overtakes me. I can hear my heart pounding as I approach the door on the left. The door is shut, but not locked. I slowly open the door and immediately see a big red smile. It's written on the wall in blood. My eyes fill with tears and I gasp, turning to where the bed is, near the window. I see the body of my sister, unmoving, her eyes still open facing the door.

I jump as I wake, peeling my face off of the wooden desk. Every time I close my eyes, every time I fall asleep it's the same thing, over and over again. The stench of a corpse and the dark look of fear still in her eyes. I can still hear her voice calling for me when we were kids.

"Come play with me Bre! I'm having a tea party!" She would always say.

I always turned her down. She is what pushed me to be what I am. I work at a CBI office in Sacramento, I am close with my colleagues although I am their boss. I try my best to be fair to them but I have a lot on my mind.

I look down at my desk and sigh at all the remaining paperwork. I look at the office clock and the time 7:26 blinks back at me. Suddenly the cloudy light seeping in through the window makes sense. I must have fallen asleep while filling out an arrest report from the last case we worked on.


I jump and look up.

"Oh, hey VanPelt, sorry I didn't see you walk in"

She smiles and sits down at her desk. Grace VanPelt is the newbie, having only been here a few months, she is very talented when it comes to computers so most often she works here in the office. I know she wants to be out in the field more, and I hate to let her down, but I need someone to do computer work, and I know the others couldn't handle it. Rigsby walks in and VanPelt blushes while turning her head back down to her desk. It's funny to see how much those two love each other but neither will act on it. I'm almost positive it has something to do with the rules. No dating between colleagues.

Wayne Rigsby is a hard worker with a huge appetite, that man could eat a whole cow and still be hungry, although it doesn't show. He is an attractive man with dark hair and a friendly aura. He is almost like a big teddy bear.

The next to walk in is Kimball Cho. Cho is more of a strong and silent type, he doesn't say much but you can't help but be in a good mood after one of his rare smiles. He cracks a few jokes here and there but he is a very intimidating man when needed.

I continue working on my paperwork while Rigsby and Vanpelt flirt and Cho gets his daily coffee. I put in some earbuds and listen to my number one playlist. I must have been working for about half an hour when VanPelt approaches my desk. I pluck one earbud out and wait to hear what she has to say.

"Boss we got a call, there was a man found about a quarter mile from Feather River", she says.

"Alright, get in the car, i'll be there in a minute", I say as I shuffle the papers into a pile.

She walks off with Rigsby and Cho while I gather up my gun, bag, and badge. I stand and throw my bag on my shoulder. I walk toward the elevator at a brisk pace, having already made my team wait long enough. I push the button for the elevator and wait.

"Beckett", I hear a voice call to me.

I turn around to see my boss, the director of the bureau, Teresa Lisbon. A woman who always follows the rules, she doesn't know how to let loose and may need a break more than I do.

"Yeah director?" I ask.

"This is Patrick Jane, he is a consultant and will be working with your team on this case" She gestures behind her. "He is an extremely intelligent mentalist and he is able to notice the smallest of details. Although he often gets into trouble, I trust you to keep him in line, yes?" she asks with one eyebrow tilted up.

"Um yes ma'am and we will be happy to have him but uhm..." I pause. "Where is he?"

"Huh?" She turns around to find nobody there. "Ugh, I swear to God he will be the death of me" "Jane!?" "JANE!" She wanders back into the main offices and I follow.

"Jane? Oh, there you are. We need to put you on a leash." She says spotting the man. I noticed he was playing with my stuff on my desk.

"Find something you like?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. He turns around and I almost gasp. This man is beautiful, with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiles but he looks pained, broken even.

"Yes, I found this odd-looking drone. May I have it?"

I almost say no, this drone was something my sister gave me a long time ago, before everything got complicated. But the hopeful look in his eyes reminded me of a child on Christmas.

"Yes, but be careful with it", I say.

"Ok great, now what shape am I thinking of? '' he asked. I stifle a giggle about the randomness of the question. I studied him before deciding.

"You aren't thinking of one, you were trying to trick me into thinking you were" I announce.

"OOOH Lisbon, I like this one!" He cries and points at me.

"Good, maybe you will listen to her. Now if you guys are done there is a case waiting to be solved", Lisbon said with an annoyed expression.

"Of course", he purrs. He skips out of the office still holding the drone. 

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