Hoodies and late night shoes streams

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Tommy sits up abruptly from his gaming chair swiftly to fetch a coke from his fridge. 

He clicks the button on Streamlabs that enables him to start.

"Hello CHAT!!!!" Tommy practically screams at the top of his lungs.

"how are you all doing today? Commit some crimes or punt a child"

He then receives a donor saying " You're annoying asf. Eat a burger you fucking stick"

"Well Done before I ban you most people find me annoying at first so if you don't by the end of this stream please consider subbing it helps me a lot and you get twitch prime."

Despite his confident answer he feels a jabbing pain in his throat.

Tommy Pov~ 


Oh well Ive heard worse.

Even though my chats are always filled with support I see what no one wants to. And it hurts, sometimes people think I'm just a human on a screen or an annoying voice. Feelings can be annoying like myself, I know I'm annoying I hear people say that everyday. Hearing people berate me not knowing when to stop because I laugh isn't funny or edgy its just painful like a stabbing in my throat.

Even Tubbo who's been my friend for years comments on me. Chat comments on how I look, what makes it worse is they are always willing to make sad edits of me but they are the ones making be feel like shit. Most of my problems arent even about chat. At college when people shot me down for trying to be their friends no one was there. People believe I'm happy because I managed to become a billionaire by 18. But honestly how long will this last? twitch streamers careers die at 40. Phil is lucky to even be around streaming.

What will I do when everyone hates me.

I am cut off by a ring from discord.

Ranboo pov.

I see Tommy cowering on stream after that dono. He's been streaming for a good two hours. I decide to call him on discord and invite him over for tv and binging sugar.

Tommy picked up my discord call.

"Heyyyyy Ranbooooo" He says in a happy tone.

"can chat hear me?" I ask particularly nervous.

"No they can only hear me, what's up?"

"Want to come over to my house?"

"Ranboo ask a man to dinner first!" he says in a joking response.

I laugh and say "You coming or not I just ordered a shit ton of ben and Jerrys and I have mean girls about to play"

"You bet your sweet ass I'm coming over."

Tommy pov~ 

"Alright chat! Its been a good run Im gonna go hang out with Ranboo"

"Going to stuff your face again?" a chat member says.

"yes I am as a matter of fact. Fuck you"

I end stream on that note and walk to the subway station. 

I hop a train over more where Ranboo Lives and I arrive at his apartment after that 20 minuet process.

"Heyoooooo" Ranboo says.

End of chapter~ 

481 words! 

Thanks for the support on Daddy issues!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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