Thievin', stealin', takin' what's not yours

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"Everyone, everyone, please don't panic." Diane said. Wolf had to hold in a chuckle.
"Just stay calm. I'm.. I'm sure there's an explanation for this." She continued to say. Wolf tipped his hat down and walked through the crowd. They done it. They stole the golden dolphin.
"I repeat, please do not panic." Wolf let a smile grow on his face as he met up with his guys through the crowd.

"Nice work, everybody." Wolf said. "Now, let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here." They walked up the steps to leave.

"Ah, wordplay." Piranha paused, "I don't get it." He said with a big smile.

"Diane, Diane, if I may..." the rodent named Marmalade started to speak. Wolf honestly didn't give a shit about him, and he knew Snake would eat him the second he had the chance.
"You have to understand." Marmalade continued, "I didn't bring hope back to the city for an award. I did these good things because of how they made me feel." They were almost at the door. Wolf was so damn excited to be known as the next best criminals
"That tingly feeling I get. That shiver up my spine. The way in my tiny tail."

Wolf stopped.

He took his glasses off and looked behind him, while the other guys kept walking.
"Being good just feels so good." Marmalade said, practically staring at Wolf. "And when you're good, you're loved." Wolf let a little smile creep up his face, and his tail started to wag. He let out a small gasp. Wolf's hat fell off as he frantically looked back and forth at his tail

"Wolf?" Snake said, "Wolf, what are you doing?" Snake slithered over to him and grabbed his arm. He dragged him down the steps.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Snake asked. Wolf looked down at the ground, he waved his hand around like it would help him explain.
"I-I don't know. Let's go guys." Wolf said, as he rushed out the door. The others followed. Wolf hopped in the car. Snake sat in the front seat. Wolf sat there for a moment, taking some deep breaths and gripping the wheel. Snake looked him up and down as he did that. He knew something was up. He just didn't know what.
"You good there Wolf?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah." Wolf shook his head.

Wolf laid his hand on the horn.
"Wolf, what are you doing?" Shark asked.
"How else are we gonna let them know that we stole the Golden Dolphin?" The group nodded in understanding and evil grins grew on their faces. Some people walked out of the building and Wolf rolled down his window.
"It's the bad guys!" Someone screamed. Others ran out, including Diane, Marmalade, and the Chief.
"Wolf!" Chief Luggins screamed.
"That's my name." Wolf said.

"You stole the Golden Dolphin!" She yelled. Wolf rolled down Shark's window and looked back at him.
"Yeah, maybe we did." Shark waves it around in his hand.
"Get them!" She shouted.
"Sayonara, suckers!" Wolf shouted, stomping on the gas pedal and driving away.
"Webs, hit it." He said. Webs nodded and pulled her phone out. She pressed play and Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars started playing. Wolf nodded his head to the beat and looked in the rearview mirror.

Wolf smirked.
"Car chases. My favorite part." He chuckled, and went faster.
"Buckle up guys!" Wolf shouted. The multiple police cars started following him. Chief Luggins stuck her head out the window.
"You're so dead Wolf!" She yelled. All Wolf did in response was laugh.
"We made 'em mad today." Snake said, chuckling.
"Now we'll be known as the greatest criminals of all time!" Wolf shouted.
"Better than The Crimson Paw?" Webs asked.
"Yep. Better than him." They all shouted in happiness and excitement.

Chief Luggins hit the back of their car. They screamed. Wolf did a sudden turn and swerved back onto the road.
"She's never done that before." Wolf said, mostly to himself. He swerved around the very few cars still out and about. The police sped up. Wolf gripped the wheel.

He turned down a street suddenly. The police got caught off guard, quickly turning around, crashing into the other cop cars. Chief Luggins kept driving though. She drove up to Wolf's car. She hits the side of his car. They all look out the window in shock. Wolf hits the cop car back.

"I'm not letting you get away with this Wolf!" She shouted, sticking her hand out the window to grab the car door.
"I think we will." He says chuckling, hitting her car again. He steps on it and zooms off.

The car bounces up and down as they hit bumps. Wolf turns the wide corner. His car swerves. They turn so that they head back towards the building where the event was. The other guys scream as Wolf keeps his grin. Chief Luggins does the same as more cops come out of nowhere.

"They're still behind us hermano!" Piranha yelled.
"Watch this." He took a sudden turn between two buildings. He drove down the ally way and looped around the building. He leans forward to see put the window. He saw all the cops go through the alleyway. He turns back onto the road and drives far enough so that they wouldn't find them.

He stopped and kicked his feet up on the dashboard.
"Are- are we done?" Piranha asked.
"Yep." Wolf said. Snake caught his breath.
"She hit our car!" Snake shouts. Wolf's face scrunches up as he opens the door and steps out. He kneels down to observe his car.
"Aw man, she dented my car." He said.

"For real man?" Shark asks, sticking his head out the window.
"Yeah, for real." Wolf says, standing up. He hops back into the car. The music still blasting. He turns the knob to turn it down and turns towards the guys.
"What do you say we get out of here?" He asks.
"Yeah!" The others shout. Wolf reverses and drives back towards their little lair.
"We did it guys. Can you believe it?" Wolf says, looking around to make sure there's no cops.
"I didn't get to eat that Guinea Pig." Snake said, slightly angry.
"Well you can just find another guinea pig to eat." Snake rolled his eyes.
"Where?" He asks, annoyed.

Wolf drives to a pet store.
"Here you go." He says. Snake looks out the window and hisses as his tongue flicks up and down. He opens the door and slithers in. Five minutes later Snake comes back out.
"That was good." He says
"Glad it was." Wolf says and drives away.


Wolf jumps on the couch and grabs the remote. He turns the Tv on and spreads his legs.
"They're talking about us again!" Wolf shouts and the other jump on the couch.

"What's up? It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News. The Bad Guys have struck again, and might be known as the best criminals of all time."

Wolf chuckles.
"See, I told ya guys." Wolf says, pointing at the Tv.

"The Bad Guys have done something no other criminal has done before. They stole The Golden Dolphin. Let's see what the Governor has to say." The camera switches to Diane.

"Listen, Listen. They did exactly what I thought they would do. They went and made it personal. But, I didn't think they'd get away with it. Even though Professor Marmalade said he didn't need the award, this Golden Dolphin was very important." She pauses, "Now that I think about it... they just stole the thing that breaks most criminals. Now I have just one tiny question for them." She looks directly at the screen.

Wolf leans forward. He claps his hands together and rests them in between his legs.

"What Now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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