Ch.1- A Strange New Girl

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Everything was in peace at Camp Half-Blood. This was soon to be changed.


The war with Gaea was over, and the demigods were enjoying the last days of summer in their camp. The camp was partly destroyed, there were marks of cannons on the hard ground.

These are the most comfortable few weeks i have ever had. The sun is shining and me and Percy can finally be together. Usually, me and Percy would go swimming after breakfast but today we felt like walking in the beach untill we heard Chiron's voice. He said " Annabeth! Percy! Come over!". I was kind of scared, because when Chiron calls your name, its up to no good.

I said " Yes?"

Chiron " We have a very special demigod here. She is her parent's one and only. I need you guys to introduce her to the camp and campers"

I said " Sure thing!"

Chiron " She is right there, infront of the main building."

Me and Percy went to the place that Chiron told us. When i saw the girl, i guessesd she was the daughter of Artemis at first sight, her tan was white and her hair was long and dark. She looked like her mother alot. I remember the time when we met Artemis and her hunters rescuing Nico and Bianca. Nico, where is he now? I don't know at all.

Anyways, i turned to the girl and asked "What is your name?"
She replied " Alessandra Silvia."
I said " Okay, Alessandra. Me and Percy will introduce you the camp. Its a nice place, you will conform soon."
She said " Totally."

We started walking around the camp, i showed her the houses and the buildings. While we were walking, in every campers faces we see i saw the admiration for her. She truly was beautiful, but she was totally not the type of person to wear make-up and stuff. When we were done, it was night time and the campers where gathering around the campfire. This was her chance to be accepted by her godly parent, Artemis.

Its been a tough way to come here. I was really tired and i wanted to rest but i really wanted to see around the camp too. This place was a new chance for me. New people, new friendships. I knew that new friendships also meant new enemies too, so the first few days would be a chance for me to know who to trust and who to stay away. I feel like a bad thing will happen. I just do.

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