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You were watching a football match on television that your lover, Itoshi Sae, was participating in. Defeated.
You were aware that you would be met with his frankness, which you loathe to the core, as soon as he got home.
Although you've become used to it and are fully aware that's just simply how he behaves- I mean, he does it constantly, right?
You thought so.
Everytime he does it, it gets you unhappy, but this time he wouldn't go to far, right?
You were expecting him to be home soon, and you knew that if you said something wrong. It will make him furious. You had to put yourself together once he gets home, and comfort him so he feels better.
While you were still pondering, the sound of keys jangling at your door interrupted you.

I'm home. said at a cold tone.

Welcome home, Sae! I watched your match and you did great as always!
Like always, you welcomed him with warmth, so it wasn't clear that something bothered you. With all the worrying about what might happen, your heart was already aching.

Shut up. You're wrong. I didn't do "great", I let the ball slip and get stolen from our rival. So stop acting like you know anything about this shit. So SHUT UP.
He raised his voice.

Even though this occurs frequently, you were still frightened. As you anticipated, he chose to step over the line this time. You were distressed and only attempting to console him when you started to wonder what went wrong. You merely just wanted to assist. You weren't even aware that your grimaced face was streaming with tears. You just stayed silent cause you knew if you let out another word, things will go down. He didn't even bother to look at your pitiful face. He just went to the room pretending as if nothing happened.
It was past 12, and there you are, sleeping on the uncomfortable couch crying and distressing. He may be soundly dozing off on the comfortable bed you previously shared with him, he's not even aware of what just occured, or was he? You questioned whether he truly cared about you, whether he was considering what just happened, and whether he was indeed just dozing off. Does he even cry as much as you do? With countless thoughts racing through your head, you hoped your thoughts were true. Because if he genuinely done such things, it would indicate that he really cared.
You felt on edge, your eyes grew swollen, your heart ached, and your rage rose at the mere thought of all of things. Even though you were furious with him or experiencing other negative feelings in response to what had happened, you knew you would still end up forgiving him if he apologized and made a change. Although you are deeply in love with the man, you have often questioned if he feels the same way about you. Your eyes were sore and swollen from crying that you fell asleep.

He was clutching you closely when you awoke with a heavy weight lying over you. You shifted to look at him; he had closed eyes, red, sore eyes, and possibly damp skin from grieving. You combed through his hair that was clinging to his face from tears and moisture. Now that you were facing him, you nearly forgot about what had just happened as you admired his beauty.
He slowly opened his eyes and said in a tired tone.

(Y/n), I'm sorry for what I have said earlier, I should've controlled myself. But I was too irritated, I'm so sorry. I crossed the line this time, you can leave me if you want to.

You replied
Sae- I completely understand that, that's just simply how you behave. You did cross the line but its alright Sae, I will always forgive you. And I would never leave you Sae, I love you.

I love you even more...
Can you sleep with me in the bed? Its very tight here, and I want to sleep with you. The bed feels so empty without you...

Okay then... I'm glad you apologized.

He sighed in relief as a reply, also smiling same as you are

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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