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I've been woken up. Not by my alarm. It was far too early for my alarm to start ringing. But my phone is. Why, you ask? It's of course my best friend calling me again when she knows I'm not awake.

I answered the phone. "What. Why are you calling me right now when you know I'm not awake. Again" I say. She starts speaking "We made plans with our friends to hang out and you weren't showing up so I was seeing if you were coming. Sorry?"

What? I never heard of any plans. Why is she just telling me this now? "You never told me about this?" "Yes I did silly. I told you a week ago when we hung out." This lying - "You couldn't have told me a week ago because we weren't talking a week ago because of a misunderstanding" 'That you caused and got mad at'

" Oh silly me I forgot to. Anyways you can just get dressed real quick and come down here not right?" Ugh why does she always have to do this "Fine" " Great! See you" "Wai-" And she hung up.

I don't understand why she always does this. Anytime (most times) when we're supposed to be gathering for anything she won't tell me till the last minute and she won't even acknowledge it. She just says It won't happen again. But- unsurprising it keeps happening again.

I love her and she's my best friend but she's just so Tiring. Anywho I need to get to my friends.

TIMESKIP (After she showered and everything and went to the place)

Of all places, Of all places we could've went to she picked this. It was a Cat Restaurant. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that I am allergic to cats. It ranges from Most intense to least by one factor: How Many.

I'm assuming a cat place has many cats (obviously) and they would rub against me which would cause a reaction. So instead of going in there I call my friend outside. So I dial her number she speaks "Hey whatsu-" "Come outside now" Then I hang up

(Ok again this is my first story so please no hate. Also I know this is really short I plan on making longer chapters)

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