🎉New Year Special🎉

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This chapter isn't included in the story; it's just a New Year special
Enjoy! :D

Art by @Artu on Twitter


The New Year Eve banquet.
It is an event among the Fatui that is taking place the last day of each years. They are celebrating it mainly to applause the hard work the organisation did during the year.

You never thought such a thing would occurs here, even after months of working among the Fatui. Indeed, you just thought you would order some foie gras with a glass of Champagne as a little celebration, alone in your room. You first wanted to visit Granny and celebrate with her, but you also thought about the upcoming Lantern Rite so it would not have been wise to ask for days off in a space of a few weeks.

It was until you heard from Pantalone that a banquet always takes place in the Headquarters for the Eve. A few hours later, Dottore made you know about it as well.

So here you are, in front of the door leading to the banquet room. You pushed the door and discover the wide luminous hall decorated with ice and all kind of decoration special for the New Year Eve.

For the party, you decided to wear a black and dark blue long Hanfu dress, which is a robe you would usually wear for different events such as these. You didn't go wild on the makeup; you have only put some eyeshadow and a black lipstick.

The room is quite busy. All type of recruits are here: guards, debts collectors, agents and... Children?

Did the House of Heart brought the kids as well?

You shrug it off, not minding it that much. You perceive some of the Harbingers and their assistants. But well, you will say hello later, now is time to explore a bit the area and locate the most important places: food.

You manage to arrive near one of the tables with  all different kind of food on. All the dishes are from different nation, though most of them are Snezhnayan. The presentation is breathtaking to be honest. You never thought simple dishes could look this amazing! it makes your mouth water.

"It seems the food caught quite your interest Miss (Y/N)."

You look at your right and see a tall dark haired man who you immediately recognise as the Ninth Harbinger.

"Excellent dress, must I say." You give him a smile and thank him.

He is wearing as well some traditional Liyue clothes. Not that he never wear some in the first place, but the ones he is currently wearing are speechless. Just like you, it is an Hanfu dress, but his has the black and purple colours, and the patterns are slightly differents from yours. The ends of his sleeves have purple jewels hanging on them and the fatui symbol can be seen at the level of the black "belt".
Just this clothes scream the word "rich". The quality also seems utterly amazing.

As a waiter passes nearby, he grabs a glass of Champagne from the tray and takes a small sip of it. Some children rapidly runs right in front of you, probably playing some kind of catch game.

"Every years, the children of The Knave's orphanage are allowed to come here and celebrate the New Year Eve with the rest of the Fatui." He says before turning his attention back towards you . "Her Majesty allowed a banquet to take place at this period of the year for the people who have no-one to celebrate the Eve with."

"So you didn't plan to celebrate the Eve with your family?" You ask after picking a piece of bread with foie gras on it.

"I am a busy man and I had to work today. I couldn't afford to take a day off and go back to Liyue. However, I planned to go there for Lantern Rite."

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