Worst day of my life

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I wake up and see the time.


I get dressed as fast as possible and go without breakfast to work.


10 minutes pass and I can finally head to work.

"I'm here Mrs. Ortiz I am sorry for being late." I say apologetically.

She looks me up and down and grins.

Oh no..please don't fire me!!

"Well Well Well..if it isn't Miss Gomez. You are 20 minutes late for the 10th time this month." She says with a smirk.

She turns to me.

"We now don't need your service. Have a nice day." She says laughing.

"No please! I need this job!!" I say with tears.

"Sounds like a you problem Miss Gomez. Bye bye." She waves and have security escort me out the building.

GREAT! No job! I need my boyfriend...

I call him but he doesn't answer.

He always answers..weird..

I call my best friend and she doesn't answer either.

Why won't she answer either???

I let it slide and leave them a message.

I stay with my family for a bit and I still don't receive a text back.

"Something is wrong.." I accidentally say out loud.

I check their location.

Why is she in his house???

I head to their house and the door is unlocked.

What the..??

I quickly open his door and what I see breaks my heart.

"BABY!! T-This isn't w-what you think!" He says while covering himself.

No words come out of my mouth. I stare at them with an emotionless expression.

"B-Bestie t-this isn't what you think! Listen to me please." She says panicky.

He grabs me and hugs me.

"F-Forgive me please! This won't happen again!" He says with a concerned expression.

I push him away.

"I hope y'all are happy." I say and leave in tears.

I head to the bar and drink all night.

"Miss it is time to go home." The bartender says to me.

I drunkenly ask him where the nearest hotel is and he gives me directions.

I head there and get a room and I bump into a tall handsome man.

"Watch it!" He yells and grabs me before I fall to the ground.

I look at him and smile.

"Y-You're so hot.." I say giggling.

I kiss him and push him to the wall.

He doesn't push me away and kisses me back.

He picks me up and takes me to his room.

He lays me down and takes his clothes off and mine.

I'm too drunk to stop....I want it..


I wake up with a splitting headache.

"Ow my head.." I say out loud.

I suddenly hear small snores beside me.


I see a stranger beside me.

Oh no oh no oh no..!! Don't tell me we...

I check myself and I sigh.

I have to leave now!

I get dressed and take my things.

I go home as quickly as possible.

What's have I done!?!

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