Time for an Introduction

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|| 3rd Person ||

"Large half cheese half veggie pizza forrrrr Madison?"

A lady with dirty blonde hair walked up to the counter and took the box of warm pizza out of your hands.
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome ma'am! Have a nice evening!"

Your dad owned a pizza restaurant called d/n's Pizzeria in New York. It was the family business and your 5yr old brother Lucas would help out with the easy stuff. And the Pizzeria had actually been doing pretty good lately thanks to two certain customers. 

"Hey April! Hey Casey!"
You've known April for a while now, and Casey was a childhood friend.

"Hmmm lemme guess... same as usual?"
"You know us!"
Casey smirked, leaning on the counter.
April laughed
"Do we really come here that often?"
"You guys are literally here like every single day"
You said as you rolled your eyes jokingly

"Hold on-"
You typed in their order on the little device in front of you
You turned to your coworker

"Hey Ethan? Can you take my place for a bit?"
He glanced at you and your friends
"Yeah sure!"
"Actually How bout' you just hang with your friends for a bit, and don't worry  I won't tell your dad"
He says as he winks at me

"Heck yeah! We can hangout!"
Casey yelled

"Really? Thanks Ethan!"
You smiled at him
"No prob y/n"
He smiled back

You went to the other side of the counter
"Let's sit over here"
April pointed at a nearby table

"But back to the original topic"
"How in the world do you guys eat that much pizza?"
When you said there were here every day you weren't kidding, and the amount of pizza they ordered every single day was insane

"Oh they're not all for us, they're also for-"
April elbowed him cutting him off afraid he would out the turtles
"Haha they're just for uhh some friends of ours! That's all!"
She smiled nervously

Now you're not stupid, you can tell if someone is lying... Sometimes
And April is a horrible lier

"You know I would've believed you- if you weren't so bad at lying April" you flicked her forehead
"It's just for some friends! Honest!"
Casey said as he held up his hands in defense

It was obvious you weren't going to get anything out of them but you promised yourself you would find out what they were hiding later.

"Yeahhh totallyyy, anyway you guys have been really busy recently so what have ya'll been doing?"


"Or does it have to do with your guy's secret friends again"
You said making air quotations when you said secret friends

"Hehe yeaahhh"
Casey said scratching the back of his neck
"Wowwww you guys are replacing me"
You said as you dramatically put your hand over your heart

"I'm so sorry y/n it's just- we uh- yeah-"
April stumbled on her words
"Totally understood that April- but I'm just joking, my dad's been having me do a lot more lately so it's ok"

To be totally honest you were kinda jealous of their little secret friends of theirs...

Ok actually very jealous

You always looked forward to hanging out with them but they've been hanging out with their secret friends more and more so you asked your dad if you could help out more so you could pass the time and get paid.

Burning Blue 💙 || 2012 Leo x Reader ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang