Eyes on you

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Porsche ( age 20)is the heir of kitisawat clan and Kim (age 20)is the third son of Thailand's biggest mafia clan..
Kim and Porsche both are classmate and rivals.. they are in rival groups.. they won't leave a chance to grab eachother's neck.. they can't bear eachother even for a second... Kim and porsche both are kind of similar because both are brats.. one day during group fighting.. they all get injured and sent to university medical room ... Where doctors were taking seminar of how to treat patients.. all last year  medical students were present ..when Kim , Porsche and others entered in room.. doctors alloted each student one patient .. before it a handsome man ran towards Kim.. "kim what happened , are you okay who did this to you " he asked with a worry.. kim calms him down " P'kinn i am okay , don't worry" Porsche looks at the handsome man who is looking like an angel in white coat. he has only heard about him until today ..
Kinn ( age 23) the second son of theerapanyakul this time he didn't sacrifice his dream.. because he didnt want to kill people he always wanted to save lives and the fact is he loves his brothers so much they are so close so kinn knows who can be the one behind his beloved brother's injuries... Porsche.. the name kim always take with a hate and anger.
A Senior doctor notices the uneasyness of kinn after seeing his brother.. so he doesn't alot kim to him because it will make him weak while treating him...
So he sends him to treat Porsche...
So you are Porsche? Kinn asks him with a cold voice while lifting his arm to check his bruises.. Porsche gives him a smirk .. "stay away from kim"..
"Teach this fucking thing to your baby brother.. " Porsche replies ,kinn gives him a long glare.. and presses hard at his bruise... Porsche wants to scream but his pride won't let him he just closes his eyes .kinn notices this and lifts his chin their eyes locks "you are such a kid" porsche's blood start rushing because he has never seen this much deep eyes he doesn't say anything and keep staring at doctor kinn who was busy with bandages and cotton after treating his bound kinn warns him "remember what i said... STAY AWAY FROM KIM..
Porsche shows him middle finger and leaves the room..
Following day kinn confronts Kim and exhorts him not to fight with Porsche .. " you are my brother why are you taking his side"..  shocked kim asks.. because kinn is the one who covers all his mistakes  " i am not taking side kim " kinn Protests
otherside Porsche in his home
"What does he think his brother is a saint? It's all my fault? Porsche keep thinking about kinn and his words
After that day whenever kinn crossed path with Porsche..they just ignore each other but always turned to look at the back of eachother ..
Porsche was a footwall captain his team won the match.. everyone was congratulating him .. when his eyes lands on kinn who was with his friends.. they came to congratulate him .. but kinn didn't come . Porsche goes near him " i didnt know you are my fan" Kinn stands up "brat" he says under his breath and leaves , Porsche follow him " how dare you... But his coach calls him so he let him go.. Tay goes to kinn " i didnt know Porsche is your friend "
"What? Kinn chuckles "that kid? He is just a brat he is Kim's classmate "you couldn't take your eyes off when he was playing" Tay teases him ,kinn eyes him "what do you mean Tay... He is a kid moreover he bullies kim "
" Okay leave it... Let's go back to class"
Almost a month Porsche and Kim didnt fight .. but one evening kim came back home with so many bruises , his lip was bleeding he had a dark circle on his eyes like someone punched him so hard... Kinn gets shocked after seeing his brother like this tankhun helps him to get into his room... Kinn comes with first aid box " who did this? He asks in anger " Porsche... I will kill him phi.. "  kim yells
Next morning Porsche was going to his class.. but suddenly someone drags him to the empty classroom.. " what the hell , leave me " kinn leaves him " i had warned you to stay away from kim... ".. Porsche pushes him harder that his legs falter .. " who gave you right to treat like that... Did you ask your brother what he did with me ? " Porsche said and left the room in anger..
He comes out and punches the wall infront , his hand start bleeding.."fuck everyone.. you also blamed me kinn.. " he closes his eyes to calm himself
Offcours he will choose his brother why do i care?"
otherside kinn goes to confront kim who tells him the whole truth that he was the one who locked Porsche in the bathroom first.. kinn's blood start boiling after hearing this.. " this is the last time i am warning you Kim .. if you did these kind of stunt again.. i will tell everything to dad..he will handle you " he warned him and  kim leaves after that and kinn feels guilty for yelling at Porsche..
After the classes he waits for Porsche outside his department..  everyone leaves but Porsche doesn't come out .. he goes inside.. where he finds Porsche was pecking his bag..
He clears his throat Porsche looks at him " why are you here what do you want from me... ? Why you keep bothering me... ?"
Kinn goes near him " mm. I ..i just want to say something..
........"i am sorry.. i am really sorry for judging you without knowing the truth from now on i will not bother you .. really...i Dont know why even i interfere in this matter... Well ..i hope you will forgive me for the last time "  Porsche keep staring at him in disbelief
..kinn notices his hand "what happened" then he takes his handkerchief and tries to dress it .. "you should be careful.. is it hurting?" he ask while looking into his eyes..
Kinn swallows hard.. out of the blue Porsche goes forward kisses his Adams apple .. kinn gets freez on spot.. and Porsche runs away . ...
Next day Porsche was sitting with his gang. That's when Kim enters with his group.. they both gives death glare to each other " i will kill you one day " porsche and Kim both mutters looking towards each other
after sometime kinn comes with his friends in his white lab coat.. Poreche tries to ignore him. Kinn orders something then goes near Kim and pats his head "are you okay .. feeling any pain" kinn asks with a smile "i am not kid anymore phi" he says and hold kinn's hand "you Are....for me" kinn says... Porsche was staring at kinn suddenly kinn looks at him and he looks away kinn was trying to look at his hand but he put his hand inside the pocket
Then kinn goes back to his friends sits with them suddenly he thinks about that kiss and his cheeks get red..
"I didn't know his brother is this much handsome" one of Porsche's friend comments and porsche start thinking about that long neck.. then he stops himself " let's leave i m done"
After one week the professor assigned the task to each group , Kim's group and Porsche's group made their presentations... But one of Kim's group member challenge him to stole Porsche's pandrive to embarrass him infront of class . And Kim agrees because apparantly it will make him win .. so when everyone was outside in the breaktime he goes and steels the pandrive..
When porsche comes back home..one of his friend calls him to make some changes regarding their presentation.. So he looks for the pandrive but he doesn't find it anywhere , it doesn't require a rocket science to guess who can be behind all this  . "That bastard kim..."
He grabs the keys of his bike..and rushes outside without getting noticed why his bodyguards.. because if they get to know where he is going in the middle of the night they will never let him.. he successfully escapes them.. and fastens his bike..he reaches the Theerapanyakul mansion where everyone is his enemy he sneaks in  afterall his mafia training should be used somewhere, but he doesn't know where Kim's room is.. so he searches for it... Suddenly "who's there"someone yells from otherside ..two bodyguards were running to his direction with the gun in their hands.. he runs and hides behind a wall where he tries to see if they are coming to his side... When a hand grabs him somewhere in the darkroom "leave me .... I said leave me" the man  covers his mouth with his hand and locks the door from inside ..
Then he turns on the light , he sees the angry kinn is standing infront of him he has never seen him this much angry "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE PORSCHE" he yells at him.. Porsche gets scared because of his loud voice
" I .. i .. that... Kim... He stutters.. "KIM?JUST HOW MUCH YOU HATE HIM THAT YOU CAME HERE TO FIGHT HIM ?  Kinn asks banging his hand on the wall behind porsche.. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE" he yells again
Porsche closes his eyes his eyes get wet he pushes kinn away
" i am not going to explain anything". .. "all you care about is your brother.... Kinn comes close to him again and sees the tears in his eyes his heart feels heavy in his chest " you never care about me "Porsche  says and tries to leave the room but kinn holds him tightly " where are you going? He asks but porsche ignore and tries to release himself from his grip
Kinn gets angry again and pins him on the wall " why don't you understand Porsche..  this is theerapanyakul mansion.. you are kitisawat.. do you know how dangerous this is.. if anyone found out you are here they will lock you and harm you... " Porsche notices the change in his eyes probably there was worry
" where the hell are your bodyguards? Kinn asks
"I escaped from them" ..
"You can't just come here like this Porsche.."
Porsche Yanks his hand " then let me go i will handle this myself " kinn again holds him they are facing each other
" Please don't go outside they will hurt you "
" Let them hurt me.why are you stopping  me We are enemies right"? Porsche shouts back..
Kinn caresses Porsche cheek
" I can't see you getting hurt okay, so please stay"... Porsche couldn't believe what he just heard "don't say things like this or else... He gets cut by the smooth lips smash on his own . Porsche closes his eyes and let his tongue explore his mouth ... The smooth kiss gets wild and they hug each other more tightly.. Porsche wraps his hands around his neck and legs around his waist... Kinn lifts him and takes him towards his bed.. they keep kissing suddenly kinn stops...and backs up "sorry i just couldn't control" Porsche holds his neck .. " and i don't want you control" then he kisses him , kinn smirks and unbuttons his shirt he start licking his neck.. then he reaches for his chest and bites..
" Ohhh.... Godd i didn't know you can be this much horny"Porsche says while unbuttoning kinn's shirt, kinn chuckles" only for you" and after their sweet love session they both cuddle with each other... kinn keep staring at Porsche face.. then he goes close and kisses his forehead, both eyes, and nose then gives a quick peck on his lips..."you are so cute "..he says. Porsche get red from shyness..
"Will you regret this tommorow?"
Porsche looks at him " never"
He gets up and lays on kinn's chest.. "  " will you go on date with me?" Kinn asks .. Porsche eyes start sparkle .. " ofcourse my angel"..  " angel? " Kinn asks..
" Yess you look absolute angel in your white doctor clothes.. that's why you are my angel"  kinn start laughing when he hears this .. because that means he was watching him
" Aww that's why you kissed me that day .. " Porsche snuggles his head in his chest due to embarrassment " let's sleep ,let's sleep "... Kinn goes forward and kisses his hairs " okay... My little Porsche" Porsche giggles.. then they both get asleep...
In morning kinn Wakes up when he hears someone is trying to open the door .. he sees Porsche besides him sleeping like a Baby , tankhun and kim enter in the room  he immediately covers Porsche by a blanket this wakes Porsche up but he just hugs him more tightly under the blanket " did you hear kinn someone tried to enter in our house last night.. they are still trying to find out"..tankhun yells
They come near him . " No i don't know about this i didn't see anyone" kinn says quickly .. they give him suspicious glare .. " what?.. why are you guys staring , just leave" kinn says as Porsche holds him more tightly
"Kinn when did you become this much fat" tankhun says.. kinn was going to protest but kim snatches the blanket"there is someone phii" Porsche hides his face in kinn's chest , Kim and tankhun both get shocked and kinn just closes his eyes because he knows he can't do anything now " "oiii kinn .. you got a boyfriend and you didn't tell me.." tankhun screams .. kim keeps staring on a guy who is hugging his brother like a baby . ..but suddenly Porsche ups his face.. and Kim's soul leaves his body.. " ooo kinn he is so cute" tankhun says , and Porsche just smiles " haha i know khun" kinn says happily then Porsche looks at Kim and winks at him..
"No.. you can't" kim says and leaves the room ... Tankhun follows him.. Porsche looks at kinn.. " i knew he will react like this" Porsche says
"don't worry about him.. i know he loves me more than he hates you"... Porsche hugs him again "i don't care about anyone...but you"
" Let's take a shower"

Two month passed kinn and porsche start dating
Kim and porsche keep fighting eachother..but after one year .. when porchay enters in college as first year student kim falls in love with him at a first sight... Then he stop fighting Porsche.. kim start persuing chay at first Porsche doesn't let him... But kinn convince him to give kim a chance...

On the day of kinn's graduation Porsche proposes him...

After 2 years .they get married.. Porsche takes over his father's business as a CEO and kinn becomes a well known Doctor.. they both live in their mansion happily .. which Kim and tankhun gifted them on their wedding


A.N.- their parents love their sons alot.. so there is no family issue😅

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