chapter 1

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One day in a lab There was a huge Ba doom that had struck that lab and in a room there was a experiment, Her name was Drew, She was a lab experiment and She wished for her prince to save her but it never happened, Today it was Drew's lucky day, A man in a suit came in the room and Drew was in a tube with wires all around her Killy Then got all the stuff out and took her with him and Drew only saw a bit of the man he had short hair and had a cut in his mouth and Drew went to deep sleep


Drew's Pov:

I opened my eyes to see a man In a suit sleeping I got up and saw I wasn't in the lab anymore and I was in a building"Wow.." I said amazed. The guy woke up"Do you know or have a connection with the net terminal Gene?" The guy said. I shook my head"What is your name?" I asked. He looked at me and put his gun back"My name is Killy." Killy said. He looked kinda attractive. After that he got his machete and cut my hair and he shoved me with a piece of glass on the floor I looked pretty!

Time skip to A few years later

I was walking with Killy when I we heard a Loud baaam And we both looked to where it  was And we ran until a kid appeared"Cibo!AHHHH" she screamed."your not Cibo, WHO ARE YOU?" The girl said. She looked adorable!"Hello! I am Drew, He is Killy!" I said. She stared at me And I gave Killy the face saying'Can we bring her along in our journey' face and he sighed and nodded. I hugged him and I went to the girls height level, grabbed the girls hand"what's your new little one?" I said. She gave me a little smile And I SHE LOOKED SO ADORABLE."I'm Lesli!" Lesli said. I then gave her my hand, she got up and we continued our journey.

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