Plush It Out

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"Which one should I get?" Sirius held up a teddy bear in one hand and a stuffed dragon in another. There was also a kneazle-like cat he was sure Regulus would like, nor did he think his younger brother would mind another Puffskein. Then there was the stuffed Niffler.

"Come on, Sirius," James sighed. "Just pick one already."

"Yeah. It's just a silly toy," Peter muttered in irritation.

"It is not just a silly toy," Sirius said, glaring at his friend. Remus stood nearby, looking somewhat nervous in the shop that sold magical toys. "It has to be just the right one."

"Wow. You sound like you're trying to pick out the perfect teddy bear for that girlfriend you definitely don't have," Peter said, rolling his eyes. "Except it's not for a girl."

Sirius turned back to the two stuffed toys. "And?"

"Don't you think that some people might get the wrong idea?" Peter continued.

"Woah," Remus said, shuffling from one foot to another. "Not cool, Peter."

"Yes. Not cool, Peter," Sirius snapped, turning to look at the smallest in their group. "I mean, what do you mean by the wrong idea? That I have a thing for my younger brother? And that's why I've never had a steady?"

James shook his head. "Nobody is going to get that idea."

"Right," Remus said.

Peter opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. Sirius turned back to the stuffed toys, only to overhear Peter muttering, "He's a Death Eater. It's all over the school that the professors found out. And that he should be at Azkaban and not St. Mungos."

"Peter. Really?" James sighed.

Sirius started to chew on the corner of his lip, fighting back the urge to slug Peter, knowing full well he had a point. "To hell with it!" he said. "I'll get all of them!"

"Wait," Remus straightened up, his eyes going wide. "Really?"

"I might as well, given the fact I really need to make it up to him," Sirius said.

"He's a Death Eater," Peter muttered.

"Hey, Peter," Remus said, reaching out for the shortest. "Let's go for a walk before Sirius loses it on you."

Sirius carried all five to the counter up front so that he could purchase the toys. He pointed to a gift box. The shop owner turned. "I don't think they'll all fit."

"I'll make them fit," Sirius said, taking a deep breath. He returned to his flat, James in toe as he started to stuff the stuffed toys into the box.

"You know, I think the shop owner is right," James said. "I mean, you could use a spell."

"I'm going to try," Sirius said, trying different ways to stuff the stuffed animals in.

"You know, you're going to be late. For visiting hours," James finally said.

Sirius let out a deep breath, finally squishing all five in, tying the box off. He packed it under his arm, and they headed inside, where the mediwitch—

He 'd not expected an explosion of stuffed animals and the mediwitch to jump in fright. "Now I have to pack them all back in there."

"Well, yes," the mediwitch said. "You do understand that we have to inspect everything that comes through here, right?"


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