Chapter 1

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My mother had always believed that in some way, I had the sixth sense. But, she had never believed that when I dreamt of the zombie apocalypse happening every night for a month, that it'd happen.
The same dream, still replaying in my head when I woke up.

The first few weeks I think everyone I knew thought I went crazy, they didn't understand that feeling of independent doom. I barely did, but after awhile I learnt to accept it. I began preparing for the apocalypse in private- everyone thought I was crazy enough they wanted no part in this. My closet was full of canned food and bottles of water, knives, a can opener (some company's were still a little stingy on ring openers) I had even went through the trouble of obtaining a gun licence and two hand guns. Every day I added to my collection, scanning over my supplies, and the outfit I had chosen. My stomach dropped every time I thought about my closet and that one day I may actually need it.

Maybe I was going crazy, I still went out with my friends, left my room, but I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I was driving myself to insanity, I never cried though. I was no longer scared, I was ready.

Everything changed on a Monday, it was the 18th of May- not like the date had mattered much anyway. I woke up, the same dread laced with my hatred for Monday's. I was finished high school, but there was always something about Monday's that made my mood low.

Once I had found the courage to get out of bed I made my way to the lounge room where I found my mother watching the tv intensely, I stood at the doorway and mumbled a "good morning". That was instantly brushed off with a wave of the hand, I watched as chaos broke out on the tv.

"Virus spreading quickly across all states in Australia" I raised an eyebrow at the news report, making my way to sit next to my mother before she pushed me away lightly.

"I'm sick, I wouldn't sit so close" she laughed before turning her attention back to the news.

"I can go to the chemist and buy some flu medicine?" I asked, she just nodded, thanking me before telling me she loved me as I made my way upstairs to have a shower and make myself presentable to go out.

The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now