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The moment the headlines hit the newsstands, Cassey knew her life was about to change forever. Being blamed as a childhood bully, getting called as the rudest star of all time. She stared in shock at the TV screen, her heart racing as she listened to her co-star, Kalvin, speaking to the reporters outside her house. "She's one of the rudest people I've ever met," he said, with a sneer. "When I offered to give her a ride home, she just insulted me and told me she didn't need help from a nobody like me. She's got way too much pride for her own good."

Cassey felt a surge of anger and fear as she listened to Kalvin's words. She knew he was lying, but she also knew that no one would believe her. The whole media circus was in front of her house, clamoring for a statement, a confession, or a glimpse of her misery. Her managers were frantically trying to contain the damage, but they were receiving calls from all her movie deals, saying they were being cancelled.

Cassey felt trapped, helpless, and alone. She wanted to run away, to escape the glare of the cameras and the judgment of the public. She didn't know who she could trust, or where she could find solace. She reached for her phone, hoping for a friendly voice, a familiar face, a glimmer of hope. She dialed the only person she knew she could rely on, her best friend, Trisha.

As soon as Trisha picked up, Cassey burst into tears. "Trisha, did you see what is happening?" she sobbed. "I just want to run away now. I don't know what to do or how to handle this."

Trisha's voice was gentle and soothing. "Girl, you are going to be okay. Don't let this stupid rumor get you down. Stay strong like you always have."

But Cassey couldn't stop crying. The incident reminded her of the pain and trauma she had experienced in the past. "This reminds me of the time Dylan hurt me," she said, her voice trembling with anger and sadness.

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the line. Trisha didn't know how to respond. She hated Dylan for what he had done to Cassey, but she also knew that they couldn't run away from their past forever.

"Cassey, listen to me," she said, trying to sound reassuring. "You don't have to face this alone. Let's ditch all this and go on a trip, just the cool people. A friendship trip. What do you say?"

Cassey somehow needed this. She felt a spark of excitement and anticipation. She had always wanted to go on a trip with Trisha, but she had never had the courage nor the time to ask. "Yes, let's do that"


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