The exiled princess

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"Juno, you are to flee under the cover of night and not return" - Queen Xerxies


Juno was born the 9th month of the 27th day of the year 1998 , to the demon queen of the Valed In-Between and to a unknown human father who had passed in her infancy. Juno was hidden away for her being different from the others in the Valed In-Between, by age ten most of the young demons have already gained their horns and powers all except young Juno who was sheltered in the safety of supervision in the castle, the many who attended the queens court grew concerned of the halfling and deigned her a potential threat to their way of life. The queen had to make a heart breaking yet rash decision as the many provinces were in unrest from Juno's older sister, Hestia, wanted to attain power and wanted to make her claim to the throne. The queen had sent Juno in exile in hopes to protect her but this only bought unrest to the castle as Juno was led away in the cover of darkness.

Early life

Juno was often roaming the castle to appease her boredom, reading novels of great adventures, she often loved to sink herself into arts making many pieces of art that decorate the halls of her childhood home. After being sent away in exile to be raised by a ally of her mother in the realm of humans, Juno had spent a minimum of three years only to be relocated to another ally, every so often having to relocate to isolated area's as Hestia often sought out the potential existence of the half breed.

At age seventeen Juno had finally decided to leave her final housing to go out on her own and to hone her abilities as a half-demon. During her many travels Juno had met a pure bred demon who intiated a romance with her, their romance was short lived as he broke her heart. Juno had soon started learning of her abilities as a void-walker demon in which she began to practice more, she was never violent or threatening and managed to evade any potential enemies at all costs.

Juno had travelled to the realm of hell there she met a vampire-demon hybrid who took interest in her, Juno was careful to hide the fact she was half human as this would be a major disadvantage if others discovered her secret. The Vampire-Demon Hybrid known as Vantros had began to attempt to court Juno who shut him down, or rejected his many advances as she felt she was beneath him, he soon managed to get her to fall for him and they became a couple, Juno and Vantros spent time apart and often met along the road, he eventually convinced her to mate with him this resulted in a failed pregnancy that caused a massive rift between the lovers, who eventually grew apart, during one of the travels Juno and Vantros were caught and stuck in a battle of life or death against full fledged vampires, Vantros lost his life protecting Juno who managed to narrowly escape leaving her with wounds that were slow to heal compared to her natural ability to heal quickly. Juno was rescued after she had washed up on a river's beach, where a young woman found her and brought her back to be helped.


Juno was discovered to have demon blood by the head of the church who had decided to keep her locked up in the church as fear spread among the town, the humans demanded the demon be exorcised. The night Juno's demon half was to be exercised, they had failed causing a split in Juno, this awoke a darker side to her causing her to go into a blind blood rage and though she had forgotten what had happened she awoke covered in the blood of others and in a cave. The darker side of Juno remains intact but only surfaces when extreme peril, thus this power has become known as the ability "sanguis ira" translated to Blood Rage.


Juno is a fairly neutral looking person, she has inky black hair that runs down to her knees with bangs that cover her unnaturally red eyes, though when she wishes to appear for human like the color of her eyes are a black-grey color or the entirety of her eyes will be pure black. Her skin is a extremely pale color in which her skin would seem 'crystalized' or frosted in some parts in comparison to the void-walkers natural grey like color. Juno is a fairly average height girl of 5'3 weighing in at a decent 180 lbs, the weight mostly muscle mass though she is not unhealthy, she is well porportioned and fit. Juno has tattoo's on the left side of her body one tattoo a batlike creature on her upper arm, the wording angel with a red line crossing through it signifying her acknoweledgement of being a chaotic being of pure destruction, and a rose on the outer part of her thigh showing that she considers herself beautiful but like a rose she has thorns.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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