Helping a best friend

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Vikram was doing some paper. He had insomnia but it was not that big, it only occurred once or twice a week. All letters were all about the wishes for announcing Varnu as the next heir by all the people who were not able to come to the ceremony and the celebration.

He was in the middle of reading some requests by courtiers when suddenly a messenger came panting. He bowed and said while still trying to catch his breath, "His Highness, White Planet has been attacked by Queen Tamasvi. Queen Annaya is nowhere to be found and King Shourya has disappeared. "

Vikram quickly stood up and started marching towards the exit while ordering, "Inform all the elite soldiers to prepare for war. "

He went to the chamber shared by him and Yashasvi to tell her about the situation and inform her about the war.

At first, she insisted to come along but he refused and told her to stay with Varun.


When Vikram and his best soldiers got to the White planet they saw dead bodies lying here and there. The whole ground was filled with the blood of the mighty soldiers who died trying to save their kingdom. They showed their sorrow and marched towards the war area only to find that Queen Annaya fighting with all her might to stop the enemy soldiers. She had several wounds, they would heal but her eyes were red and puffy from crying maybe.....

They entered the fight and Vikram went to help Queen Annaya whom he called his younger sister. As soon as the way was clear, he turned to Annaya and asked about every single detail related to the attack. And what both shocked and saddened him was his sister had to give her child to a stranger's family.

As he made sure that his sister was safe he went to find Shourya. Vikram found him standing in front of Tamasvi and Vikram hid behind a tree trying to hear what they were talking about. And what he heard was beyond his expectations.

"Let me tell you a story. Story of a king and his lover, a lover about whom even the king didn't know. But in the end, the king marries the cousin of his secret lover who happened to be his soulmate. Shourya, I have loved you since the start. Even after knowing that you have nothing like that in your heart so I kept quiet. But what is so special in Annya that you married her and didn't even talk to me? But still, I kept quiet. I even ended Payal, I killed her for your safety. Because of her you lost your son." Tamasvi said in a low tone full of sadness.

"Annaya is not like you. She cares about others' feelings, she is unlike you. And if because of Payal I lost my son, then today because of you I lost my daughter. And you said that right I didn't have anything in my heart for you and there will be nothing ever. " Shourya said with his voice filled with anger, frustration and hatred.

With that Vikram saw a big fight between Tamasvi and Shourya. He stepped in between them before they could harm each other. But to his surprise, he could see no mercy in Tamasvi's eyes and the bloodshot eyes of Shourya.

Before he could do something Tamasvi disappeared into thin air. He turned towards Shourya and saw sorrow and guilt in his eyes. Tamasvi got back to her realm or you can say kingdom early was furious and maybe heartbroken by Shourya's harsh words.

They helped repair the kingdom and held a funnel for those who died in a heroic way to save their home. Vikram had no idea what happened before he reached there or what was the guilt in Shourya's eyes. But he was that sure that his best friend won't hurt his sister. 

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