Chapter 6: Opening Doors

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"Come on Cresent, don't tell me that's all you got!" Dust taunted.

I growled in frustration; all four of my tendrils were out sharpening and flicking an agitation. This was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, and the lack of use of my knife magic made me rusty.

I struck out as Dust again, this time with two tendrils, he teleported at the last second, the sharpened appendages smashing and cracking the hard ground where the other had been standing. I was ready for it this time, quickly turning around as Dust came from behind, I grabbed him by the leg and preceded to yeet him into the wall.

As soon a Dust righted himself, he came at me, knife in hand... I would be lying if I said megalovania wasn't playing in my head right now.

I dodged his attack, I was shorter than him being young, and I had been using that to my advantage. I managed to get behind him, summoning a knife and landing a sharp slash to his shoulder blade.

Dust magic crackled as he wiped around, his anger getting the better of him as he summoned a Gaster blaster, the burning laser firing, which I quickly dodged.

"Hey that's cheating! I don't have those!" It sounded a lot more like a complaint from a child then I meant it to.

"Do you think the enemy is going to refrain from using their best attacks just because to can't match it?" As he sides this, I heard two more blaster charging from behind. 

I jumped back using my tendrils for extra momentum. As the blast was bright enough to blind the other for a moment, I quickly moved behind him again, grabbing his foot and knocking him over onto his face. before he could do anything else I stabbed a tendril though his hand.

Dust hissed in pain.

"Alright that's enough."

At Killers words I backed off, retracting my tendrils.

Dust got up, examining his hand that now had a hole in it. Gaster reference. I thought, fighting back a smirk.

Dust grumbled and teleported off, presumably to get his hand healed.

I glanced at Killer who gave and approving nod, I could not stop the well of pride in my chest.

"You've improved a lot, keep that up and you might have to start tagging along with us." He said, his ever present smile a lot more genuine.

I nodded, trying my best to mirror the look before taking my leave. It had only been training for 3 and a half weeks, and already he was talking about having me on missions?! Sure, I had thought about flunking the training to postpone it but with my technical mother figure watching I could not bring myself to do so. 

When I got to my room, I shut my door and proceeded to flop on my bed. groaning into my pillow. This was driving me crazy. Over the years I had grown close to all these skeletons even in this multiverse saw then as bad guys.

Could I really bring myself to fight the Stars? heck, even take a life? In my past life I had always been neutral, I saw the reasoning on both sides and knew about the balance, though from what I had been hearing the Stars still have no idea about it. And sure, these insane skeletons where my family now but... wasn't Dream as well?

Nightmare never brought up his brother to me and I assumed he thought I was under the impression he had no siblings. Dream was technically my uncle, and despite knowing I would side with Nightmare any day I didn't hate him enough to have any ill will. Infact I kind of wanted to meet him...

But how the heck was I going to meet him if I was stuck in this dark dimension? I made a sound of frustration, flinging my pillow across the room, as I did that a spark of magic caught my eye.

I sat up quickly, the spark had been similar to the ones a saw when the others made portals. But that was not right... that was not one of Crescents abilities... right?

Hesitantly I reached a hand up focusing magic into my hand thinking about UnderSwap, testing the theory.

one spark...

Two sparks...



Only 2 words rang in my head at the moment.


A/N: Ah yes, the ability to add powers to a character for plot connivence fills this author with DETERMINATION. There's a whole multiverse out there, where should out chaotic neutral M/C go?

A/N: Do you read through your chapters before you post them?! Come on past me! I have to fix so much!

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