32 ~ Drawing the curtains

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All I heard in the courtroom was the verdict of 'not guilty'. My thoughts went back to the day when Marcellus Cante helped me by telling me to call the police. Without him, none of this would have been possible. However, Marcellus was not free; he was serving two years in jail. The real culprits behind Mark's death, who were surprisingly friends of Alessio, were sentenced to fifty years in prison after their appearance in court.

After the trial, most of the college students who came to witness it, gathered around Alessio to congratulate him. While he appreciated it, I stood next to Jason, who had accompanied me, waiting for Alessio to look at me. When he finally did, everything else ceased to exist, it was just us. My heart started pounding faster and faster with every step he took towards me. When he finally reached me, I choked on my saliva, causing me to cough uncontrollably. While Jason was patting my back, Alessio left and returned with a bottle of water. With the help of the two, I found a seat and drank the water, allowing me to catch my breath and feel better. Alessio sighed in relief and said, "You scared me there."

He sat right next to me, his knee touching mine. His hair had grown a few inches longer since the three weeks he had spent preparing for his trial, and he had dyed it black from brown. We locked eyes for a long moment, communicating through the emotions reflected on our faces. I loved him, and he loved me. The powerful attraction between us was undeniable, an addiction that kept pulling us back together no matter what.

Alessio had fought hard battles - dealing with his friend's betrayal, the issues surrounding Mark's death, and even coming close to losing his own life. The exhaustion was evident on his face, so when I smiled softly at him, I was also silently reassuring him that I understood. Whatever weight was still waiting to cause more harm, I was ready to help him bear it. In my arms, he could forget about the world's cruelties. Alessio was all mine.

"Um...I should probably get going," Jason said, sensing that his presence wasn't needed.

"I'll be right back so we can get out of here. I'll only be a minute." Alessio winked and stood up to join his happy lawyer who'd just won his very first case.

An hour later Alessio and I got what we'd been wanting since the beginning of the day: privacy. Alone in his apartment.

Alessio's tummy rumbled just as his soft lips merged with mine. Right there, I knew I wasn't the only one in need of food.

Agreeing to make dinner together, we marched to the kitchen.

After playing with the ingredients, dallying with each other, laughing till our bellies hurt and burning half of the food, we accomplished a light meal of firecracker salmon for the lovely evening.

Alessio uncorked his finest white wine. I sat on the kitchen counter with him sitting on a chair and in between my thighs. We fed each other, not paying attention to how good the food tasted, but relishing in the feel-good feeling kindled.

Eventually, our plates were emptied and it was time to wash them, and clean up the kitchen.

"Let's do it together."

"Or let's take a shower before a good sleep. The mess can always wait."

As soon as Alessio hoisted me over his shoulder, I let out a startled yelp and urged him to put me down. He obliged only after carrying me to the bedroom, where he released me onto the bed and held me firmly in place with his body while pinning my hands above my head.

"I hate when you carry me like that," I pretended to be angry, turning my face away.

But Alessio leaned in, smelling the nape of my neck. "You're a terrible liar."

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