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<<art by noogaats on twitter>>

I guess it's time that I've come back to South Park, Colorado. It's been over a year since my dad Satan allowed me to come back again to see these humans. There's only one in particular that I'd be even remotely okay with seeing again. And that person would be Philip Pirrup. Well I called him Pip at first like the other kids at South Park Elementary School did. But he's gained my respect over the day that I got to spend with him. We have more in common than one would see from a glance at the surface. I'm not excited to see those four boys with the silly hats and hoods. Those four made me turn against my one friend. I sigh and I walk into school, excited to see Philip for the first time in a long time! I hope he remembers me and still likes me. It's weird that I'm going to be here for more than one day but I will have to get over it. At least I'll have my friend. "Oh hey look at that kid with black hair. We can easily make him into a goth." Some pale boy with black and red hair says while flipping his hair back.

"I am Damien Thorn! I am a demon from the seventh layer of Hell, not some 'goth'!"

"That's hardcore." His group of friends nod. One of them is reading a book called "Greatest Works of Edgar Allan Poe". "Just join us kid. You have the look mostly. We'll change you out of that black sweater and give you eyeliner."

"No! I didn't come here for some weird transformation! Transformations are for casting circles!! Now anyways I'm leaving. Goodbye. I hope to never see you all again."

"No come bac-" I run away from their little group of four and I stop in the hall for a moment. I should go find my locker first. I look at the paper my dad gave to me this morning. C137. Well I'm in the C section so that's good enough. I go to the left to the odd number lockers. It's sorta far down but I find it eventually. I put in the code, 06-23-13. It opens and I put my stuff in there. Closing the door, I see one of the boys with the weird funky hats. Ick.

"It feels weird to be older. All I see and hear is shit noises."

"Stan that's just you. Maybe if you weren't so gay with Kahl you'd be happier."

"Shut up fatass we aren't gay with each other! And stop calling me Kahl! My name is Kyle." The boy with the orange parka seems to laugh, but it's muffled. Maybe he's saying something in return. "Where'd he go anyways?"

"Aw your poor boyfriend left you, aw!"

"FUCK OFF FAT BOY!" The one with the red coat laughs in a menacing manner. I remember him the most. It was his birthday that I went to. I regret ever coming. Now that I see the kid in the parka, I remember turning him into a duck-billed platypus. Heh. "Hey Cartman. Look at that black haired kid."

"Oh it's that guy that was in love with Pip! Hey Damien how's your boyfriend?" I snarl at him. His voice is annoying enough.

"Shut up fatso. He isn't my 'boyfriend' and I'm not even sure where he is. Where is he?"

"Oh uh well, Pip is... his dumbass moved back to England hah!!"

"No he didn't! Cartman just say the truth!" I'm so confused. I'd be very devastated if he moved. Cartman just continues to laugh. "Fine I'll say it. Damien."


"He's.. Pip i-"


The bell rings, ending that conversation. That means we have five minutes to get to class. That's the one thing I remember about the school. Somehow. Maybe it's cause Cartman imitated the bell so much that I was on the borderline of going off on him. But whatever. I'm sad that Pip isn't here. But maybe he's just sick today. I go to class and I sit down next to some boy with a blue hat with a yellow poof ball on the top. What is with all the kids wearing hats that look ridiculous on them? Weird. I adjust my sweater collar and the teacher comes in. "Hello class. Looks like a returning student, Damien, is here again. Be nice to him like you were before please."

angel in hell || pip and damienWhere stories live. Discover now