Inciting Incident

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Within a darkened bedroom, a Worker Drone laid on top of a bed and stared at the ceiling. He has a gray insulated jacket on, covering most of his body down to where his knees would be. He has glowing orange eyes which pair well with his red messy hair, going in all directions.

He just sat and stared, bored out of his mind when the room he's in suddenly rumbled like a tremor. He quickly stood up confused until he hears someone bang on his door.

"Dror, get up! Something's attacking the bunker!"

Dror gritted his teeth and quickly ran out of the bedroom, grabbing a hat as he left.


Serial Designation J soared through the night sky, looking rather bored as she eyed the ground for prey.  

It had been a fruitless night with no kills yet, infuriating the Disassembly Drone as she hadn't eaten in a while and was rather starving

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It had been a fruitless night with no kills yet, infuriating the Disassembly Drone as she hadn't eaten in a while and was rather starving.

She still had enough oil in her to last a good while, but that didn't make the idea of overheating any more pleasant.  

The sound of a nearby rocket explosion caught her attention, so she diverted her flight path and headed to what seemed to be the open entrance of a Worker Drone colony with several visibly torn up walls. Landing on the ground, J spotted several worker corpses lying around outside.

Picking up a still leaking head, J muttered to herself. "Doesn't look like V's work, she'd have been more creative, and it DEFINITELY wasn't the screwup. So who..."

Her musings were halted by the sound of workers screaming inside, leading her to quickly fly up to the roof of the colony where she peeked into a large blown-out hole in the ceiling. Inside she could see a big warehouse-like room, in which she spotted a fellow Disassembly Drone attacking a group of workers. A head of crazy hair and a shredded outfit lacking a signature yellow armband told her exactly who this drone was. 

"Of course, F! Couldn't have just stayed a problem to his own squad, he had to come over to MY turf too

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"Of course, F! Couldn't have just stayed a problem to his own squad, he had to come over to MY turf too." J grunted.

F was, of course, a member of one of the many Disassembly Drone squads sent by JCJenson (in SPAAAAACEE!!!!) to Copper 9. He was a lot like her squadmate V, crazy and sadistic. Only he took it to the point of interfering with his own squad's efficiency. After getting kicked out by them, he now prowled the planet and was perfectly fine invading the hunting grounds of other squads it seemed.

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