He is back?!

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Hoseok went upstairs to Minato's cabin. While going upstairs, he observed the place and noticed that their win will be easy since a lot of Minato's men are dead and there was not much blood seen on the floor which also means that his men are either not injured too much or not at all injured.

As he reached upstairs, he saw his men surrounding the stairs and the door to Minato's cabin. Hoseok took a deep breath and entered the cabin with caution because he knew that by now Minato might have known that his gang was attacked, Hoseok also knew that Minato knew who would attack his gang.

To have a fight with Hoseok was the main reason he kidnapped Yoongi and triggered Yoonie. Minato didn't exactly want to have a blood bath if it was necessary he would, he just wanted to use Yoonie to Hoseok to give up.

When Hoseok entered the cabin, he was shocked to see Dusik holding a knife in his hand which was dripping blood, he stepped closer and saw Minato's body behind the table.

"Why did you do that?!" Hoseok was shocked that Dusik killed Minato because Dusik loved his father very much.

"I was promised by Suga that I will have a life away from this hell, have a life like a normal human, away from the mafia world," Dusik said as he looked at Hoseok with red eyes which said that he was controlling himself from crying.

"Su-Suga promised you?!" Hoseok was shocked to know that Suga was back.

"Yes, he spoke to me right before Appa came and triggered Yoonie by showing him those plushies" Hoseok was beyond happy to have his Suga back but he hoped to meet Yoongi someday again too and other personalities about whom he has no idea about and know more about them. He will miss Yoongi.

"Let's take you back to my base, you will be kept in a cage for a few days"

"I will do anything as long as I get what I was promised to have"

"You will get what you were promised to have, you just have to go through some investigations from my side" Dusik nodded.

"I am sorry for hurting Suga a few years back but I never even laid my hands nor ordered anyone to lay their hands on Yoonie" Hoseok frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember his brother sold him off to me?" Hoseok nodded "I didn't ask anyone to beat Yoonie, it was appa. He wanted to destroy our relationship. That's why he did that, well, our relationship wasn't good but at the same time, it wasn't as bad as you had with appa" Hoseok nodded.

"Let's talk later, hm?" Hoseok suggested to which Dusik nodded. Hoseok signaled his men to take Dusik away as he went to Yoonie.

In the dungeons,

Hoseok slowly went to Yoonie's cage and opened the door. He smiled at the sight of sleeping Yoonie, he then looked around and saw the guards and one of his men exhausted in the corner of the cage.

He picked Yoonie gently in koala style and walked towards the three.

"What happened to you guys?" he chuckled as he asked.

"He is a very active little" Hoseok's man said.

Hoseok laughed softly and patted Yoonie's back as he pecked his head "I know, he is a very active little. That's the reason we have at least four to five to take care of him"

"He is a brat"

"A bit, but he is my brat" he looked at them "Let's go, all three of you. This gang is under me now," he said the last line in a cold voice.

"Yes boss" the three followed Hoseok as he went out and to the car, back to the base first then home.

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