Chapter 1

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Sirens screeched a warning overhead as flashing red lights fill the city. Talia burst into the room, cursing under her breath as she stuffed a gym bag with various items. She knew she only had a few minutes to evacuate the compound before the quarantine protocol kicked into effect and the whole city was shut down, all it's citizens left to die. Her movements became more irratic as she glanced at her wrist timer that read 00:02:58 she had less then three minutes to get to a safe distance. Grabbing one last item she slamed into the door and out into the chaotic streets, dodging others as they ran in circles like frightened cattle.
Manuvering through the frantic crowds she bolted across the street, too buisy to look. That was a mistake as a speeding scooter slamed into her, throwing her to the ground several feet away. A young boy barely older then herself flew over the steering bar and slamed into the road, his face and chest hit first as his feet kicked his rear before yanking him into a side roll from the momentum. Everything was blurry for a moment but Talia didn't have time to be weak, she had to move and now but as she went to pass the boys prone form his hand shot out, latching on to her ankle. She tried to keep going but he held on tight, forcing her to drag him a few steps before she turned and kicked him in the ribs. "Let. Go. There is no time for this, I've got to get out." She growled as she kicked him again but he still did not let go. Instead his head lifted toward her and his eyes opened, stopping her mid kick. She froze as she looked into his emerald eyes and a spark jumped between them leaving her nerve endings tingling. "Damn it!" She hauled him up begrudgingly and shook him "can you run?" She demanded, barely waiting for his nod before grabbing his hand and yanking him along mumbling under her breath as they went.
Manuvering through the frantic crowd she ignored the throbing of her ankle. She knew if they didn't get out it wouldnt matter what injeries she had sustained. They ducked into an alley and she barely paused long enough to yank free a loose light panel leading under the city. Talia pointed to the black abyss and ordered him "Get in." When he hesitated she stomped her foot and shoved him, wasting no time in fallowing after. She lowered herself so she hung from her elbows and grabbed the panal then dropped. The panel slammed into place awkwardly, a tiny gap the only evidence of her retreat.
The fall was only a few feet, no more then five but as she landed on her ankle she heard the bone snap and she crumpled to the ground in pain. She faught to stay conscious "Damn it! There's no time for this" she cursed. The boy looked at her with surprise and concern as she forced herself to her feet."Get away, i don't need your help" she hissed, trying to swatt the boy away as he slung her arm over his shoulder for suport her but one step proved her wrong as she cried out and nearly crashed to the stone floor before he stabalized her. "Yes, you do." It was the first time he had spoken and his voice was soft but commanding, a stark contrast to the emotion his eyes betrayed. She was forced to concede and leaned her weight on him as they shuffled through the dark.
Talia didn't need to see to know that they were in a cave carved out by an ancient lake. It was just as papa had told her. The cavern was smooth but uneven underfoot as it stretched forever ahead of them. Talia caught herself when the boy slipped on a thick but slippery patch of moss, hissing in pain as darkness swarmed her parifrial, forcing her to her knees. "Watch it, the moss is slippery you moron" she bit out as he recovered and helped her back up. "Ya, i got that." He returned angrily.
Muffled screaming echoed around the cave from the city above causing them both to take pause. It had started. With a deep breath Talia clenched her teath, speeding her steps to put as much distance between them and the catastrophe raging overhead. The boy seemed to understand the urgency and matched her speed, relief flooding through her that she wouldn't have to drag him along with her injury. She glanced at her timer that now read 00:01:07. They had to go faster or they wouldn't make it out of the perimeter.
Talia nearly stopped in her tracks when she heard a metallic scraping sound and light flooded into the cave from the whole they had used to escape. Thud a body hit the stone floor then slowly rose. With an anamalistic rawr of fury the newcomer charged after them. "I'm coming for you, you worthless hooligan!" Called the infected male "I'm going to enjoy slicing your throat" he called in a guttural baratone. "Who the hell?" Tallia didn't recognize the monster chasing them but one glance at the boy told her he did "shit". His voice shook slightly and he pushed forward with all his strangth, almost dragging Talia but the infected was gaining on them. As the virus progressed the infected slowed briefly to transition to all fours before pursuing them faster still. Glancing down at her timer Talia bit her lip till it started to bleed. This would be close.
With seconds on the clock the quarantine sheild broke through the ceiling of the cavern, falling quickly. Still a few steps away the boy shoved Talia through before sliding under himself, the laser giving him a trim before continuing down through the earth. In minutes the city would be completely cut off as the sheild sealed both the city and it's sewer system off from the rest. Power would go down, internet and even water would be cut off and the city would be left in quarantine for the next hundred years. Just to be safe.
A banging made Talia and the boy look up at the sheild where the infected seethed and slamed his fists into the barrier until they bled. They watched for a moment before the boy stood and walked away, not looking back when it rawred his hated for him and cursed the day he was born. The boy didn't so much as flinch at his father's words but when Talia called to him he wiped around, his eyes filled with hatred giving her pause. "A little help here, my ankle is broken remember" his nostrils flared as he stomped toward her and dragged her up, throwing her arm over his shoulder. Together they walked away, the sounds of banging and cursing following them but neither one looked back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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