Blond Probs

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"How'd I get myself into this mess...?" I asked myself as I walked down an empty school hallway. I'm late. I sighed, nothing really new. I flipped my dark brown bangs out of my face with a swift turn of my head. I was a good student —getting A’s and B’s in all classes— I just chose to be late everyday, I rather enjoyed the time I had to myself between class like this, since any other time I manage to get time to myself its soon interrupted by dumb girls who have nothing  better to do besides to gawk at me all the time. Sure they were attractive but quite unintelligent.

As I approached the door to my class, I could hear Mrs. Jenkins screaming, like she did everyday, I'm still surprised she never loses her voice. I took a deep breathe, just as I opened the door a crack, she stopped.

"Oh, how nice of you to grace us with your presence, Mr. McKinney." Her tone filled to the brim with sarcasm.

"Yeah, I know. It's always wonderful to see me." I said with a cocky grin.

"Did I miss anybody?" She asked still with the sourest tone.

A blond looked us slightly while raising his hand from the back. She made a deep sigh then turned back to me.

"You'll be partnered with him." I turned towards her,

"Does he have a name?" She shrugged,

"Probably, but I don't know it."

I could hear him sigh to himself from the back of the room. He was probably one of those kids that were always forgotten and invisible to everybody around him.

Before she could say another thing to him that would just drag his self-esteem even lower, I walked towards where he was sitting. In the process our eyes met. Swiftly he turned away from me, his face flustered and I could feel mine heating up as I got closer. I cleared my throat try to make the moment less awkward, though I was probably just gonna make it worse.

"So...." I dragged the O a little then continued once he turned back to face towards me, his face cooled, and back to his pale shade.

"What are we suppose to do?" I asked. He flipped through some papers on his desk in a hurry sending some astray in the progress.

I smiled slightly. He was so cute, he reminded me of how the girls around the school acted around me.

"We have to take care of an egg.." His voice getting softer with every word.

"Well, this is going to be egg-cellent." I cracked a little grin.

His face stayed as emotionless, almost like Mrs. Jenkins is everyday. "Oh! I'm Austin. By the way." I threw my hand in front of his face. "Conner." He said as he slowly met his hand to mine. His hand was ice cold. Before I knew it the bell rang signalling lunch.

Once I had gotten my lunch and everything else, I began to make my way into the table section of the room. As I walked by one of the windows, I saw him. Conner, the loner in my parenting class, was sitting with two girls outside. I knew who they were, but what surprised me was that these girls were some of those people that nobody wanted to be friends with. I’m sure he was smart enough to know that these two were some of those people. Either he was dumb enough to be friend with them or was dumb enough to let them hang around with him, even in public. They being a spazzy asian and a bipolar lesbian. I made my way out the door towards their table. The blond looked up then towards Conner.

“Hey Con, your boy-toys here.” He turned around and saw me then turned back towards her twice as fast,

“He’s not my “Boy-Toy”.” He said defensively with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

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