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With Hoseok,

He was talking to Namjoon when Jin called him and he cancelled the call completely forgetting the fact that Jin is not at that base because if he was then he would come to Hoseok after his call was cancelled.

After a few seconds, he got Yoongi's call which he immediately picked up and kept on speaker.

Hoseok's POV

"Hello," I said as I heard some breaking sound and I know Namjoon heard it too because the call was on speaker "What's that noise?!" I asked in a panicked tone.

"We are being followed and they shot us," I looked at Namjoon with the same shocked and angry expression as him.

"Now, what happened?!" I asked once again because there were some more sounds. I and Namjoon took his phone and went to the otherside to talk. I took my call off the speaker and kept it on my ear and took my gun.

"They have a big gun," I cursed under my breath.

"Where the heck are you guys?!" I asked in distress as Namjoon and I headed down to our tech floor.

"I don't know, I just drove to an empty place when I saw them follow us," Yoongi said.

We went to Beomgyu and Namjoon asked him to track Yoongi and Jin.

"We will be there soon" I said as Beomgyu started searching for his location and it was easy since we had a tracker installed in all of our cars.

"Okay" he replied. I could feel him in distress and I can't really blame him for feeling like that.

"Do one thing" he hummed "Go in a public place where there are many cars because you are far away from us I mean very far"


"I will send you the location, you will follow that"


"I am coming to save you both, don't worry" I told him because I know she is scared and worried but he won't tell.


"Get our men ready," I told Namjoon.

"They are already ready" I smiled because I knew my men cared for Jin and my lover.

"Send us their live location" I told Beomgyu who nodded and continued tracking Yoongi. I and Namjoon hurried to the garage and saw our men ready, they were already in the car and were setting up the weapons "Let's find those bastards!!" they cheered in anger. They were ready to go on a killing spree like me and Namjoon "What happened?!" I asked Namjoon. I was driving while Namjoon was in the passenger seat and was instructing me where to go.

We started driving by following the tracker but something happened to it. The tracker stopped after going to the sides and before I could call Beomgyu, he did.

"Beomgyu what happened?!" Namjoon asked "The car suddenly stopped!!"

"I think something happened to them" as I heard it I pressed the accelerator.

"We have to hurry there," Namjoon said "Till then try to find out what happened" Namjoon said.

"I am trying" Beomgyu ended the call.

Namjoon informed our men as we increased our speed and headed to the spot faster.

Within 45 minutes we reached there,

We spotted the car and headed there but it was too late, the car had already blasted due to petrol leak and then gun fire on them.

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