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I went for a gallop along the beach this morning for a couple of reasons. One, because I thought the sand might feel nice on my hooves, and two, a nice gallop always clears my head. There was a lovely tailwind, too, that caught my wings and helped carry me along. I passes a ghoul and a monster who looked like they were my age. The ghoul was trying to teach the monster how to surf, but he didn't look scary comfortable.

I didn't stop to watch, though, because I was just getting my second wind and was really starting to enjoy myself. I also saw Sirena bob up out of the water and then sink again beneath the waves. She didn't see me, so I didn't stop for her, either, as there was no guarantee that she was going to come back to the surface anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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