Chapter 125

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Chapter 125: The Earl's Manor of the Essential Skills Book

    The incident of Arnold's beating was too much, and Yawei had to report it to 520. This was his lax rule and a mistake in his work.

    Hearing Yawei's butler honestly arranging the lower-level manservant's arrangement for him, Arnold told him one by one the angry and hurtful things, and 520 took the manservant's coffee with a slight pause.

    It seemed that he was not affected. He lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, frowning slightly, too sweet.

    "Since the matter has been found out, what should be done according to the regulations of Hades Manor, the manservant named Jason criticized the master and drove out. Although Arnold was the master, fighting in the manor also violated the regulations. Deduct a month's salary for a small punishment and a big admonition."

    He said it lightly, he was neither angry to know that people slandered him, nor moved because Arnold defended him, indifferent and fair.

    "Yes, my lord, I will find someone to replace the lower-level servant as soon as possible." Yawei took a deep breath and felt disgusted even when he said Jason's name.

    It's not that he doesn't know that the people below are talking about the earl's private life, but he thinks that everyone will restrain after the admonition. However, it is probably the newly appointed earl who stays in the study every day, only reads and writes, and treats servants politely. The earl's shelf.

    What's more, the servants thought that he was just a 'squire' before, and he didn't seem to have the majesty of an earl.

    That's right, the Count is really good-natured. He doesn't oppress his servants, and he never beats or scolds him.

    It just doesn't mean that he is easy to bully. Don't he know about the servant's criticism of him? He knows, but he doesn't care, but when Jason bumps into him, he can't pretend he doesn't know.

    His way of dealing with problems is also simple. If he doesn't want to do it, he can change it. There are thousands of civilians who are willing to work in the Earl's Manor. He is not uncommon.

    "Lord Earl! I was wrong! I dare not talk about your right and wrong again behind your back, you forgive me, forgive your loyal servant, I can't leave Haders Manor, I need this job, please give me another chance !"

    When Jason was driven away, his stout body lay on the ground and wept bitterly. He begged Lord Earl for mercy, but in the end he was dragged and thrown out of the manor like a dead dog, and Lord Earl did not agree with him.

    Not to mention listening to his pleas.

    This time, I have to say, it gave a vivid lesson to the other servants of Hades Manor.

    Since then, no one thought that the handsome and beautiful Lord Earl was a good talker. Everyone said in private that Lord Earl was hard-hearted and 'forgiveness' was the most expensive thing for him.

    The count's trust is only once, and no one dares to squander it.

    "Jason's father is an alcoholic, and his mother has to raise five children by himself. Jason was able to enter the manor and spent a lot of money. Now that he has been kicked out by the earl, how will the family live? It's pitiful.

    " Have pity on him, pity yourself first, I remember that you spoke ill of the Count yesterday."

    "Oh! You stinky stinky girl, don't slander me! How could I speak ill of the Count, the Count is The savior of my family, I cherish this job, and I am not that fool of Jason!"

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