Oh, brother

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Wilbur paced the small waiting room.

He feared for his friend's health.

Tommy had fallen ill a week ago and progressively got worse.

Wilbur had suggested the younger's parents admit him into a hospital and they did.

Now they were waiting for the result of his tests and according to the doctors, Tommy was freaking out.

"He's been crying for ten minutes and nobody can help him." A doctor told a nurse, just loud enough for an anxious Wilbur to overhear.

Wil approached the doctor, "is Tommy alright? Is he hurt?"

The doctor looked quite sympathetic toward Wilbur's position.

"He's very upset. Actually, he's been asking for his brother."

Wilbur did a double take.

His.. brother..?

"Wait what? His brother?! Does he have a brother? What do we do?!"

The doctor looked at Wilbur. "Sir-"

"Oh no! Oh, god! We need to find his brother!"


"How do you find a brother? Oh, you know what? I'll-"


Wilbur looked at the doctor, shocked.

"Sorry, it's just that.. is your name Wilbur?"

Wil nodded.

"He's asking for you."

Wilbur scoffed. "I'm not his brother. You're not very good at finding brothers."

The doctor chuckled, "You're a brother to him. He said you're family."

Wilbur smiled. "Aww, how sweet. My baby brother is crying though and he needs me. So lead the way."

The doctor showed Wilbur to Tommy's room and in a matter of seconds, he stopped crying.

Tommy squeezed his brother tightly while they got the results.

It turns out it was only the flu.

Wilbur shook Tommy off of him and washed his hands, trying to avoid falling ill himself.

Tommy was better after a day.

Oh, brother (Crimeboys)Where stories live. Discover now