Goood Byyyye :)

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This was it, the final crescendo to this symphony of madness.

The last of the Triwizard Tournament.

Today our charming contestants would be braving a maze looking for the goblet located somewhere within it leafy … ness. While having to fend off whatever evil monsters or threats they encounter.

All the school were in the stadium in front of the maze. Everyone was cheering as the cannon was fired and the champions were off into the maze. I stood there with Hermione and Ron cheering for Harry, cheering for Cedric and cheering for the fact that this was the last time I’d get kept up late at night because of this stupid tournament.

“How long has it been?” Ron yawned looking around trying to see if he can see anyone running around that hell maze.

“Twenty minutes.” Hermione answered.

It had been twenty minutes since the champions had disappeared from our sight into the maze and by now everyone was chatting amongst themselves.

Ron yawed and stretched.

“What’s taking them so long?”

I laughed as Hermione smack upside the head.

“Your best friends in there and all you can do is yawn and complain that there taking too long.”

It must have been the lack of sleep getting to me because I suddenly burst out laughing drawing the attention of everyone around me.

“Harry’s been through a lot worse than this in his time at school.” I giggled.

Hermione looked at me sternly, about to give me a talking too as well I suppose.

“Vandela’s got a point I mean it seems every year there’s always something trying to kill him.”

I started laughing again but calmed down a lot quicker than before and wiped the tears from my eyes from laughing too much.

The night was surprisingly warm, not hot but warm. The sound of every ones murmurs was the only thing that could be heard, I had no clue what was taking place in that maze right not but whatever it was it was out of our hearing.

More time went by and slowly everyone in our group became bored and found their own things to do.

Hermione was reading a book about stuff for some homework that she had. Ron had fallen asleep with his arms dangling at his sides and his head hanging forward. And Fred, George and I was engaged in an epic battle of Thumb Wars.

“One, two, three, four I declare a thumb war.” George and I chanted.

Our thumbs began to dance with one another more or less. There’d be times when I’d almost win but he’d manage to escape and then there’d be times when George would almost win but I’d manage to escape.

“Just stay still would you.” I laughed.

He didn’t answer.

I took my eyes off our thumbs to look up to see George watching the game with the most serious expression I’d ever seen him pull. His eyebrows were pulled in tight, his eyes staring intently on our two thumbs and his mouth set in a serious frown.

I burst out laughing.

This distracted him long enough for me to push his thumb down and hold it.

“One, two, three. I win!” My hands flew into the air.

“Hey you cheated you distracted me.” George looked shocked at what had just happened.

Vandela Nixin Black #A Severus Snape Love Story#Where stories live. Discover now