Halloween Night

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"Are you excited?" Austin asked me as we walked up to the old decrepit hospital building.

From this distance, it looked scary, not because it was haunted but because it looked like a place serial killers would murder someone. What better place to hide a dead body than an abandoned hospital that hadn't been touched in thirty years. It was run down and stained with weeds growing up the sides. The windows were tarnished, and others shattered. The sidewalk was cracked and discolored.

"I guess you could call it excited, but I'd say apprehensive," I answered.

It was October 31st. Halloween. And Austin had decided to take advantage of the four-day gap he had between shows during his tour to join Zac Bagans and his crew to investigate a haunted hospital that was only a town over from Austin's last gig in Richmond, Virginia.

He nudged my side with his elbow. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun!" It was comical how excited he was. But it was also nice to see considering how long and taxing half a year on the road has been. I'd be lying if I said everything had been going great on the road, but that was soon to be behind us now.

"Yeah, sure ghost hunting in an abandoned hospital where serial killers probably live sounds like an awesome time." I smirked at him, keeping my laughter at bay. I didn't want to truly ruin this for him, but I couldn't help myself.

"Zac always has the places he investigates secured. They make sure no one is hiding inside or is able to come in from the outside. Anything to prevent a tampering of evidence."

"Unless it's a ghost..."

He frowned. "Don't mock them."

"What?" I laughed. "I'm sorry, you know how I feel about ghosts."

"Yeah, you think they're fake."

"No." I held up a hand in protest. "I believe they're real, but just not as common as your friend's show makes them out to be. Half the time I'm positive they're making it up and imagining it."

He slowed our footsteps looking down at me. "Whatever you do, please, do not tell that to Zac. He takes this very seriously. So does his crew. I don't want them getting offended. Because I already am by your statement, and I'm just as much of a believer."

Didn't I know it. While we were on tour, he thought our hotel room in Italy was haunted because we heard shrieks coming from the walls. Turned out it was just water running through the pipes. The hotel staff assured us it was nothing to worry about. "Maybe you can join Zac and the Ghost Adventures crew next season then," I jested.

"I just might. We'll see."

I looped my arm through his keeping him close. "I promise though, I won't say anything. It'll be fun like you said. And don't get mad when I laugh at you guys screaming like girls when a breeze rolls in."

"We'll see. Zac told me this place has been off limits for investigating for a reason."

"Which is?"

Her peered at me, trying to give me his most intimidating stare. "People who go in...don't come out the same." Oh brother. I wanted to roll my eyes but again, resisted. "Some don't at all. People have gone missing."

"Spooky." I mocked playfully. I was sure the rumors were dramatized by the locals. Many of the stories were. "Though it must not be that dangerous if we're all going in there right now. I'm sure it's mostly town gossip. And knowing you, if you truly believed we'd be in danger, you wouldn't be letting me go in there either."

He stared at me unamused. "I hate how logical you're being."

"Sorry, but I'll try and hold it back and play along while we're in there."

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