[Boring day] oc stuff

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I didn't have any ideas so the oneshot will be about my oc. Ig i could do a description of them bcs y not.
Their name is Jeremy, Jem for short, he's an Octoling that uses He/They pronouns and yea that's all ig. I added a picture of them so you guys could picture what they look like in the story.

I decided to only use they/them for Jem in this chapter bcs i was lazy 😞


Jeremy had decided to go do some anarchy battles because today was really boring and they wanted to add in some action to their day. The current rotation was Splatzones, Mahi-Mahi Resort and Hagglefish Market. They quickly equipped their Dapple Dualies and some random gear they could find laying around in their locker. Once they were all ready they started matchmaking for the anarchy battles. After a while, the lobby was full and the match started.

The chosen stage was Hagglefish Market. Their teams colour was red and the others was cyan(don't come at me i don't even know if that's a real colour match we can have in the game 😰). After spawning they quickly looked over all the members and realised that they were the only octoling. It didn't really matter to them but it still made them kinda anxious. Judd announced the start of the match and everyone got launched into the home base.

Everyone went straight to the middle to try and claim the zone first but team cyan was faster and claimed it. Jeremy tried to splat someone with an aerospray but got immediately shot by an E-liter 4K. While they were respawning, their whole team got splatted which caused a wipeout.

Jem went to the left of the map to try and splat people from the other team that would try and get to the middle by the sides. After a while of waiting, they got tired of it and was about to go back to the middle until they got jumped on by someone from the other team. The person pinned them down to the ground which made Jeremy hit their head on the ground pretty hard.

"Hey octoling, what do you think you're doing right now? Go back from where you come from we don't want you here."

The inkling had his splat dualies pressed onto Jeremys throat and had his knee in their sides. They couldn't say anything to the fact that they had a weapon at their throat, which kept them from breathing.

Jeremy was about to pass out from the lack of air until an inkling saw what was happening and came rushing at the other inkling. They quickly shot the adverse inkling in the head, which splatted him, then went over to Jem who was laying on the ground without any strength left and trying to catch their breath.

"Are you okay what happened? Why was he sitting on you and trying to choke you? That's practically illegal to do that."They tried to give answers to the inklings questions but weren't able to because of the pain.

"Never mind answering all those questions, lets get you somewhere safe until the match ends." The inkling then picked them up gently and carefully as to not hurt them more.

There was now one minute left to the match but it was quickly interrupted by Judd announcing a knockout from the other team.

They all made their way out of the stage and was now sitting in the lobby hanging out and chatting. Jem was sitting with the inkling at the little caffe situated on top of the locker room.

"By the way, my name's Riley, we didn't really have time to share names earlier. What's yours?" She sounded quite friendly, thought Jeremy.

"Mine's Jeremy, but you can just call me Jem for short. Thanks for earlier, I really owe you one after that."

"Nah it's alright, i just did what i had to do." The inkling said while patting Jems shoulder in a reassuring way.

"But more seriously, that guy has a problem. Hurting someone like that in battles is quite literally illegal, not that it's any more legal outside in the streets or anywhere else." She chuckled at her own sentence.

"Did you know him? For sure he didn't just jump on a complete stranger for i don't know what reasons."

"No, i don't who he is, but he said something about me being an octoling and how i should go back to where i come from and that nobody wanted me here." Jem said with a sad face.

"That's straight up just being racist. What the heck is this guy doing with his life cod." The two of them laughed together.

After a while, they went down only to see inklings screaming at each others face. Riley then decided to intervene and asked what was going on.

"This dude won't stop saying how we lost because of that octoling and that it's all their fault." Riley looked over to the inkling in question and it was the one from earlier that was hurting Jeremy.

"Because it is! They don't deserve to have a place among us, they should all go back down into the sewers, especially this one." He said while pointing at the octoling standing behind Riley.

"They did nothing, you were the one that attacked them for literally no reason. You were at their throat trying to choke them." Everyone looked over at the inkling boy with horror in their faces.

"Dude, you're actually crazy. I knew you were not really fond of octolings but not to the point of hurting them!"

Everyone continued to yell at the inkling while Riley and Jem decided to go somewhere else before anything else happened. They decided to sit somewhere close to where the tableturf battles were held. It was calmer there than the square.

Riley exhaled loudly while stretching.
"Cod... that was quite something, yea? Definitely the last bit of action i wanna experience for the day."

"Yeah, same for me. I'm burnt out and my whole body hurts because of those bruises."

"You know, Jem, you're really fun to talk with. We should definitely hang out more. Here, have my number so we can contact each other in the future."

Jeremy quickly added her in their contacts list. The two of them decided to hangout a little more until they had to go home for dinner.


I'll definitely edit this one later because i just KNOW a lot of sentences doesn't make sense. I'm sorry i'm just really tired because of work today. I'll definitely try to make it better next time tho.

Have a nice rest of your day yall

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