Mandala Artwork: A way to purify your mind and soul

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Our everyday life is so jumbled we cannot even think to sit back and relax even on weekends. You will find lots of unread emails in your inbox, have project deadlines by EOD, and lots of things to complete in your everyday life. All of these factors make your mind filled with things that jangled your nerves.

So, today I am going to take you on a ride that will let you untangled your nerves and relax your mind and soul just like I do.

The Mandala artwork (painting) is one of a kind that help you relax your mind, body, and soul. Before hopping to the benefits, I will explain Mandala Artwork, what it is and where it comes from?

What is Mandala?

The Sanskrit term "mandala" roughly translates as "circle" or "center". The circular patterns with repeated colors, forms, and patterns radiating from the center are what we commonly think of when we hear the word "mandala." Mandalas can be free-flowing, organic, and asymmetrical, or they can be exact, meticulously measured, geometric, and precisely symmetrical. Although they can be drawn in squares, mandalas are frequently made in circles.

Origin of Mandala

Mandalas are used as a meditation tool in the Hindu and Buddhist faiths to promote spiritual growth. The symbols signify one's spiritual path, the cycles of birth, life, and death, as well as the connectivity of all living things, while the picture shows the universe. The self-realization of oneness with the divine is a central theme in Hindu religion. The capacity for enlightenment (Buddha-nature) is emphasized in the Buddhist tradition, and the images inside the mandalas show the challenges that must be conquered in order to grow compassion and wisdom. Mandala drawing in this discipline is subject to tight guidelines.

Benefits of creating Mandala

It undoubtedly has some beneficial effects. During lockdown, I began to practice it, and I soon grew to appreciate it. Your mental attention is improved. I could feel my nervousness reducing. When I practice this sort of art, I become more conscious. Some of the benefits are listed below have a look at it.

· Calms the body and the psyche

· Develops feelings of joy, peace of mind, and general wellbeing

· Alleviates melancholy, stress, worry, overload, and anxiety

· Stimulates creativity and enhances concentration

· Increases self-worth and acceptance of oneself

· Helps one feel connected to both himself and other people

· Enhances sleep

· It's a real Fun!

About the Blogger!

Hey readers! I am Murtaza Hashwani my intent of writing blog on my personal experience on Mandala is nothing but helping all of you with your stressed mind. You can definitely benefit from being present and flowing, in my opinion. All opposition kind of dissolves. I advise trying it out to gauge your reaction.

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