Part One: International Situations

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***I imagined this idea since July to August 2015, about a story of Captain Marvel. Maybe an origin story, or something with Avengers. Until late 2018, I thought if Captain Marvel who one saved the world makes a big mistake, it would be great.***

***This idea happened before the first movie and Endgame released.***

***Moreover, the most important location, inspired by Shanghai Tower, Wuhan Greenland Center (Under Construction), Shenyang Baoneng Global Financial Centre (Under Construction), Hong Kong The Pearl (2018 movie Skyscraper).***


09:31 (GMT+9), May 5th, 2031. Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo, Japan.

The officials visit the Shrine, like they thought, it still be a solemn moment.


*速報: 靖国神社での爆発により、首相やその他の役人を含む多くの人が死亡しました。* (Japanese: BREAKING NEWS: An explosion at the Yasukuni Shrine kills many including the Prime Minister and other officials.)


10:10 (GMT+8), May 5th, 2031. Oscorp Skytown, Macau, China.

Several people entered the cargo elevator, heading to the tower's bottom.

"Roberts, check the photon room. McCaine, launch the safe system until the issues are done. We meet in the garden."

"Aye aye, sir."


Same time. Convention Zone, the 115th floor.

Hundreds of American soldiers just sneaked into the tower from roof, but they didn't find any people inside.

A lady with a coat comes behind them, closes all the doors, slaughtered all the soldiers by her photon blasts.

There's 500 to 1,000 American soldiers on the upper half. The others know somewhere has problem, they try to escape to the lower half. As they arrived to the 55th floor, they're blocked inside. An explosion killed them without everyone noticed.

General Kathleen Sparr runs to Norman Osborns meeting room, tries to hide from the lady, but gets found out.

Kathleen "General Sofen ... please ... Karla ... I'll give everything you want ..."

That's no use, she got stabbed and killed, left her in the room.


04:39 (GMT+2), May 5th, 2031. U.S. Photon Base, Syria.

"We got the target, engine launched."

"Roger that, Photon 14." "Fire."

Lasers appeared on the desert, to their targets by mirror satellites.

Minutes later, the base is suddenly blown up. Zoom out from the ruin, there's already surrounded by the resistance power.


00:46 (GMT-3), May 5th, 2031. Mobile Photon Base, Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.

Monica breaks the lock, and saved S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent 28.

Monica "Adam, is me, Monica. We get out of the ship."

Adam "Let's go! (Runs) What on earth is happening there?"

Monica "The army, they're destroying the worlds. We have to stop them."

Captain Marvel: The Flame of Revenge (International Situations)Where stories live. Discover now