The Prowler

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His Instinct led the currently eating Kamijou into a rundown building.
'What is it with criminals and abandoned buildings?' Kamijou wondered to himself.
As he was still outside of the building he had no idea what was going on there.
He took another bite of his sandwich, however the ketchup spilled into his hoodie. 'Oh, rotten luck. Good thing I chose red.'

He wasn't usually this hungry, mostly he'd eat one hotdog and he'll be all set. But now, he's currently exhausting his budget through his constant buying of fast food.

'I've never been this hungry before. That's strange,' Kamijou mused. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw them.
Kamijou turned, and saw two figures walking out of the building. Kamijou wolfed the entire sandwich down, put on his mask, and jumped down.


Dealing with the two thugs, he interrogated them about what the building was.
From what he got, typical criminal stuff.
A hangout place, the usual stuff.
He had no problem with those types of things. He knew that no-good assholes would come in here and start thinking up some shit to harass students. That said, it wasn't his problem; as long as no one was immediately in danger Touma Kamijou wouldn't stick his nose into something if nothing had happened yet.

So why did his Instinct act up?

"So far nothing out of the ordinary," Kamijou said to no one. Something about this seemed rather fishy, and frankly he didn't want to stick around for long.
But the tingling of his Instinct seemed to get stronger the more he walked further into the building.
He just hoped he wasn't walking into a trap-


Kamijou turned to the corridor on his left and moved quickly.
Something was very wrong here.

He stopped at a slightly ajar doorframe. The knob was blown off of it, as if by a shotgun.
He slowly opened the door, waiting for his Instinct to come up.

He opened the door and-


He managed to jump back into the corridor as he felt wind swipe down into where he had been just now.
Using his hands he twisted his whole body and dropped to his feet. He went into his stance, ready to fight.

The man wore a purple Powered Suit, with black contours running down around the torso, legs, and face. The contours seemed to glow purple sometimes.
The Suit whirred as the man moved, and looking down to his hands Kamijou saw talons in his fingers, and with a quick flex of his fingers they retracted.

He rarely saw these types of Suits outside of exhibitions. Most of them in use were miniature bipedal tanks.
He had no idea what was going on, but he had an inkling that this was something an amateur like him was not supposed to come across.

The armored man strode towards him, his purple glowing eyes narrowing. Kamijou's instincts were signalling him to run away, to never come back from this place.
He would have if it weren't for the smell of iron in the air...

'Blood,' he thought.

"Funny. If it had been someone else they would've panicked and ran away," the modulated voice of the man sounded like chainsaws to Kamijou's ears. "No hard feelings though."

The man then rushed towards him at explosive speeds.

Kamijou acted fast by firing a glob of web toward the man's face. At the same time he charged towards him, fist cocked back. His goal was to blind him and strike him in the gut to knock him out.
It wasn't a well-thought out one, but it's a plan nonethelesss.

However the purple-colored ninja knight slightly moved his head to the side, and ducked under Kamijou's right hook before delivering a powerful gutshot into the vigilante.

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