Chapter 1-Sigils

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Chapter 1: Sigils

Sigils was walking. He was on the all-too-familiar path towards SSundee's- sorry, Thandee's house. He checked his phone again, just to be sure he had gotten everything right. The group chat between Sigils and his friends had gone silent, so it was easy to find the messages he was looking for.

Thandee: Anyone on?

Sigils: Yeah, what do you need?

Thandee: ah henlo Mr. Weak Knees

Sigils: -_-

Thandee: ANYways I've found a new game!

Sigils: and you think you're gonna beat me don't you

Thandee: ofc why else would I bring it up

Sigils rolled his eyes at that. This had become an ongoing thing between the two rivals. Sigils and SSundee always competed, and SSundee always liked to say he was the best in everything. He had challenged Sigils to a game of Monopoly one day, thinking that he- as a Monopoly 'champion'- would embarrass Sigils in front of their friend group.

That wasn't how it turned out.

Sigils won that game easily. SSundee had claimed that Sigils had cheated and challenged him to another game.

Sigils won even quicker that time.

From then on, SSundee always challenged Sigils to any game he thought he could win. It had almost become a tradition for the two. But sometimes other people would join in.

Like now.

BiffyWiffyBat: ooo ~tension~

Thandee: Hey Biff!

Sigils: Hi Biffle

BiffyWiffyBat: so are we looking at another SSungils Challenge™?

Sigils: Don't call it that.

BiffyWiffyBat: Too late ;)

Sigils: ...

BiffyWiffyBat: So anyways whats this game called Thandee

Thandee: Its called Monster Seeking Monster I think

BiffyWiffyBat: cool

BiffyWiffyBat: how many players?

Thandee: up to 10 iirc

BiffyWiffyBat. Mkay


Mr.Hen: ok

Sigils: Sure.

Thandee: ok

Supreme: ok

BestAdmin: ok

BesterAdmin: ok

BestestAdmin: ok

HenwyLicksToes: ok

Mr.Hen: Jerome change ur display name

HenwyLicksToes: no <3

Mr.Hen: I am 300 meters away and approaching rapidly. You cannot hide.

HenwyLicksToes: ew meters

HenwyLicksToes: use feet like a normal person

Mr.Hen: no <3

"Hey Sigils!"

Sigils looked up from his phone. He had somehow gotten all the way to SSundee's house while reading over the text. Loud music came from the interior, and Sigils was sure SSundee would get a noise complaint if he lived in a neighborhood. But there wasn't anybody else to give a complaint in the middle of nowhere. That was part of the reason they all had moved out here in the first place.

He waved to Biffle and headed inside. Everyone else had arrived already and were setting up the game. SSundee noticed Sigils come in and waved, sporting a cocky grin Sigils couldn't wait to rip off his face.

"And the loser has finally arrived," SSundee said, standing up.

"Oh, really?" Sigils responded. "I thought you got here earlier."

Biffle laughed as he came in behind Sigils. "You just letting that slide SSundee?"

SSundee shook his head. "You know I'm not. It's just not worth wasting words on."

"Bold words for someone who's never won," Sigils quipped.

"Yes, we get it, you don't have a life, now can we get started?"

Sigils took his spot on the couch next to Jerome.

"Sure, sure. But I'll tell you right now," Sigils started,

"You're never gonna be able to beat me."

A/N: I've done it. An Insane Craft AU that doesn't start with angst-

A/N 2: oh boy it's rewrite time

Also my writing is so bad how do y'all read this stuff-

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