Chapter one

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Harry had grown up in the wizarding world with his parents Lily and James Potter. His parents fought a lot, it was an unhappy marriage to say the least but James had raised Harry as his parents had raised him, like a pureblood. The traditions and old ways of the wizarding world were sacred and very important for James to teach his son and so he did, despite the hate he received from his wife for it. So, in the name of tradition Harry asked his father to throw him a courting ball, for his sixteenth birthday and James Potter was ecstatic. Lily, not so much.

The up coming weeks to Harry's birthday the two men, along with Harry's godfather Sirius Black, spent their time planning every intricate detail in preparation for the party. Lily went around calling it dumb, saying that Harry was selling himself to thee highest bidder. None of the men had anything against muggle borns but they would simply never understand. Just as Lily didn't. They would never understand the meaning behind the traditions, honouring ones family. It was something Lily simply brushed off, she would never try to understand and so the men simply ignored her.

They chose to throw it at the Potter Manor, home to James parents Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. The manor had been in their family for hundreds of years and was decorated like a castle, with the highest of luxury. Harry had always had a soft spot for his grandparents, they simply adored him, and spoilt him any chance they got. They were thrilled when Harry had asked them to throw his courting ball in their manor.

The ballroom of the manor had tall walls that led to a hand-painted ceiling depicting the original members of each sacred family. Chandeliers hung from every corner casting a warm glow over the room. It was stunning really. Harry had spent many days here, learning how to dance with his grandparents, and it was the perfect place for his courting ball.

Once the venue was picked the guest list was relatively easy and consisted of the sacred twenty-eight, the twenty pureblood families left in wizarding England. The Potters had been taken off of the list once James had married Lily, but they were still seen as a Pureblood family in society as they acted like it. Acting properly with manners, attending balls and functions, keeping up this their family business, etc. Purebloods deemed it acceptable to breed with half-bloods and muggleborns as the scared families became less and less, it was deemed safer for the genepool to widen a bit and so the Potter were not frowned upon for James' decision. The scared twenty-eight consisted of Abbott, Avery, Black, Bulstrode, Burke, Carrow, Crouch, Fawley, Flint, Gaunt, Greengrass, Lestrange, Longbottom, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Ollivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Rosier, Rowle, Selwyn, Shacklebolt, Shafiq, Slughorn, Travers, Weasley and Yaxley.

Food had been laid out, elves were at the ready carrying trays of champagne, and guests had began to arrive, greeted by Harry's grandparents, all that was needed now was Harry himself.

"Harry, are you ready?" James stood in the doorway of his sons room with pride in his eyes. Harry looked away from the mirror where he was straightening his clothes and smiled gently to his father with a nod.

"I am."

James stopped him once he started walking to the door. "Before you go pup, I have a gift for you."

"A gift?"

"Something special for your courting party."

From his pocket James retrieved the Potter family ring. The ring was silver with the family crest engraved on it. Harry felt tears begin to collect in his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. This ring has been passed on for generations, and I think you're finally ready."

James slipped the ring onto Harry's finger before the boy wrapped his father in a tight hug. He whispered 'Thank you, dad.' Into James' chest before he pulled away, wiping a stray tear from his cheek.

"Now let's go, our guests are waiting for us."

As Harry walked down the stone staircase, all eyes were on him. He could pick out faces in the crowds, kids he went to school with but no one he really knew. Harry had always been a loner, especially with that stupid prophecy and his 'fame'. He stuck to himself mostly in school, the kids in his year seemed dull to him, boring really, a waste of his time and they were all after something. Fame for themselves, bragging rights, anything they could get really.

Harry smiled his best smile as he descended the staircase, admiring the ethereal essence of the room as he went. This party was everything he had hoped for and more. The room was beautiful and all of the invited families had showed up. 

Each family wore a separate colour to distinguish themselves, the Malfoy's wore grey, Zambini's wore black, Greengrass' wore purple, Weasley's wore orange and so on and so forth. Harry himself was dressed in dark green robes of the best quality, made for this special occasion. He felt beautiful in them, the green really bought out his eyes. He had even worn contacts so his vibrant green eyes would not be hidden. His hair was slicked back the best as he could manage, just like his fathers. In that moment, the two men descending the staircase fit right in to pureblood society. Where they were meant to be.

Harry's entrance was met with an overwhelming applause from him guests. The part began as it traditionally does, with a child and father dance. James spun Harry around the room elegantly, Euphemia and Fleamont watching on proudly. All too soon the dance was over and Harry faced to most nervous part of his evening, dancing with the guests. 

"May I?"

Harry turned to face the tall dark stranger before him. The man, much taller than Harry himself, had slicked back dark brown hair, that matched his eyes, his face was sharp and angled, as most purebloods and he wore red. The colour of the Lestrange family. Harry knew the Lestranges had two sons who were in the market for marriage but Harry was not sure which one this man was. Rodolphus or Rabastan.

"Of course."

Harry and the man joined hands as the next song began to play. As the pair began to twirl across the room Harry stroke conversation.

"I must ask."

"Go on."

"Are you Rodolphus or Rabastan?"

His head threw back as he laughed, "Which one do you think?"

Harry smiled, mischief in his eyes. "Well I have head that Rodolphus is remarkable handsome so, unless your brother is truly a sight to behold, I believe that would be you."

"My brother is okay, but he could never beat me." Rodolphus smirked, earning a delighted laugh from Harry.

"Very well then, Rodolphus."

All too soon the song came to a stop and Harry was asked to dance by another. 

"Thank you for the dance, Rodolphus."

"No, thank you, Lord Potter."

"Harry, please."

"Well then, Harry, I hope we meet again." Harry's heart fluttered as Rodolphus reached for his hand, pressing a firm kiss to the back of it.

"As do I."

Harry had danced the remainder of the night away, swapping partners after every song, but he could not bring himself to stop thinking about Rodolphus, how could he? After all the mans dark eyes had never left Harry since their dance. Harry felt them follow his movements all night.

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