Chapter 1 | start of school

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•the alarm starts to beep loudly in Michael's ear•.. Good morning dear! It's the first day of college aren't you excited? •That's his mother, Veronica, she believe that even 16 year olds are playing with toys and watching kids series. Which is exactly what she taught Michael!• he says looking tired "no mom, I want to stay home from school! " he's mom looks at him like he was joking, taking out clothes for him and placing it on a chair next to his bed. She walks out his room while he gets up and get dressed for college. It was a sunny day, a little cold but it's okay. He walks downstairs and eats breakfast with his sister and mom. He gets more and more excited as each minute passes. The clock hits 08:00 and he goes to get his bike from the garage and start biking to school. While biking he can see his college further away, he starts biking faster and faster as he gets even more excited! He parks his bike and runs to class since of course, he's late. As he walks into class he sees all these cool kids, you got different..cults? You got the satanist, nerds, Emo's and many more! He sits down and pulls up his pencil case and books. He had a Batman cover on his book, he lived Batman! But people were laughing? He didn't understand why, they pointed at him and the book while laughing. He realized they were laughing at him and put the book back in his backpack feeling weird, he's never experienced something like that. He continues with his day, sad, alone and for the first time wanting to go home. As the clock rings for the 7th time, he walks to class knowing everyone will laugh. He goes into class and sits down next to..nobody. He proceed to get his textbook with Batman on it and of course..they laughed. He packs up and runs to his bike and then bikes home from school, he was angry, sad and felt some type of guilt? As he gets home he continues on his day, he eats dinner, does homework and sleeps.

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