The Fighter

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Chapter 1. Just Memories.


The world used to be great.

At least that's what my grandparents used to say before they passed on. The world used to be great before the war happened. My parents only know what my grandparents told them, since they were just kids at the time. My dad has told me stories of a massive army taking control over the whole world. I guess that was true since now the world is being controlled by a tyrant.

"We fought hard and lost many." My dad told me when I was around 6.

My dad also told me I would change the world someday. My whole family used to say I was the little girl filled with fire.

Now this tyrant, Harrison, is controlling the whole world. Wherever he isn't, he has one of his high ranking followers ruling for him. The people who aren't necessarily happy about following him live in tiny villages. People who are happy and don't really care live in the bigger cities. Soldiers and followers live in different capitals designed for them. I live in a village with my parents. My parents are out now, in a protest rally wherever Harrison is.

So right now I was just sitting in a tree and wishing that someday, someone would kill Harrison and everyone would be free.

We can only dream though.

I guess I dozed off because when I woke up it was getting dark. I sat up and yawned. I also shivered a bit. I sniffed in the cold, early spring air and hopped out of the tree, landing almost silently. I started to walk slowly back to our little cottage. Our village has about ten other families and we all live next to each other. My mom told me stories when I was little of huge glass buildings, fancy cars, and actual paved roads. My parents do see a lot because they speak out against Harrison so they go to all those big capitals.

I stepped back onto the dirt road that led to our village and started to walk quicker. I hated to be in the forest after dark. After a few minutes of walking really fast I rounded the corner and started to smile. For a small population the village can seem quite crowded at times.

I waved at Mrs. Keene. Her daughter, Willow, is one of my best friends. We are both 16 years and still we are some of the older girls in the village other than mothers and grandmothers. I walked up to her and smiled again. "Hey Mrs. Keene, is Willow around?" I asked. She laughed and repositioned her youngest son, Luke, in her arms. "I thought you were coming over here to help me out." She grinned and gestured to all her baskets on the ground.

"Oh, well of course I'll help you out." I picked up her baskets and started to walk towards her house. Holding out my foot, I propped open her door and let her walk through first. Her other son ran up and gave her a hug. His name was Ron and he was the cutest kid ever. He was always so funny for a seven year old.

I set the baskets down on the table and turned to see Ron patting Luke on the head. Mrs. Keene looked up and nodded back towards the door, "Willow is out in the village square. If you find her tell her that she needs to be home soon."

"Ok." I replied and headed out the door, tightening my jacket around my shoulders to protect from the cold air.

Willow was probably with Lisa and Travis. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Of course Willow was with Travis since she had the biggest crush on him. I started to jog towards the village square. The village square was actually just a water fountain with a few benches surrounding it. The market was just a few minutes walk from the square.

I reached the fountain and looked around for Willow and spotted her and Travis sitting on a bench a few feet away. I walked towards them with my hands in my pockets.

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