14 ~ Need or Want

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The drive back to my house was without music. That bothered me but I refused to complain. Instead, I hummed a tune to entertain myself while slicing through the thick silence in the car. Alessio didn't get the message, so the radio was still off.
I later avoided the tension and reached to switch it on.

Music began playing from the machine. I recognized this one: Only One by Alex Band.
While my emotions stirred deep within, I took a peep or two at Alessio; he just kept a straight face and eyes to the road.

I couldn't believe his determination. Were these signs showing that he was the one? What if I was wrong about him? What if it wasn't only sex that he wanted, as I thought of him. What if he was ... in love with me?

But what if he was just pissed that I didn't come off easy like he was expecting? What if he turned out to be just like Mark?

"No one's home?"

"Huh?" We had arrived and I hadn't noticed. Alessio enquired again if there was anyone home. I looked at my house; the lights were out.

"Ah, yeah." I remembered Jason had scheduled his game night for Tuesdays now, and mom wasn't home most nights even if she didn't have shifts. I was going to have to question her on that later.
I explained everything to Alessio and he asked if I was going to be alright staying alone.

"I'm very much old enough to own my own apartment, Alessio. I'll be fine."

He agreed without argument. I handed him his coat, thanked him again and watched him walk to his car without looking back. When he got in to head home, I quickly fetched the spare keys I always carried from my purse. I wanted to get in the house before Alessio sped off, but I think he'd already read my mind that I was scared of being left alone in the dark night. He hadn't started the car yet. I got the keys, got inside and locked the door. Then I peeped through the panes to watch him off. His car was still standing there. Why wasn't he moving?

Whirring sounds emerged from his car in his attempt to start it. He quit after unfruitful attempts and remained in the car. I unlocked the door and went outside to him. Tapping on the window, I beckoned him to roll down the glasses. He did after four taps.

"What's wrong?"

He showed his annoyance through his speech. "Must be the batteries failing again. Hector said he'd solved everything. Darn it!"

I didn't know what to do. It was only racing cars I digged so I had no idea how to help him at the moment.

"I don't think this Hector is going to help you fix your problem at 12AM in the morning," I said when I saw him pick up his phone.

"Well I'll order an Uber."

"12AM? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Uber driver is fast asleep and having sweet dreams by now."

"What do I do then, smart mouth?" Alessio was irritated at me?

"Fine. I'll leave you be."

I turned towards the house, and not soon after, I heard the slamming sound of his car door.

I turned to see him walking into the dark.

"Where are you going?" I called after him.


"Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is? You could get attacked."

"I'm sure it's perfectly safe out there." Sarcasm dripped from his words, and that stare; that was rage right there.

"Are you angry with me?" I noticed.

He was standing under the street light. Whatever hair product he used on his hair had brightened it to a golden brown. He held his coat with one finger, over his shoulder. His shirt had been partially undone. He held my gaze from that distance, and even so my feet wobbled slightly. Even from afar he had an influence on him.

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