1. (Matthew's POV)

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Today is starting off like any other day. I wake up far too early, 5:30 am, to be precise. I don't know what that's about. It's not like I go to bed at 8:00 pm, or anything. Anyways, I get up to go take a shower. One time when I woke up this early I decided to drive to a casino to gamble. What a shitty idea that was. I lost ten grand and some loser took an unflattering picture of me and sent it to TMZ, all before 8:00 am. I later won all the money back, though, but of course no one documented that.

The warm water cascading from my fancy shower feels good as it falls comfortingly on my back. I absolutely love my stunning, Hollywood Hills bachelor pad. It's everything I've ever dreamed of, although lately I've been feeling a little depressed that I don't, and might never have anyone to share it with. But I shouldn't complain. I've had an extremely successful career, and could choose never to work again if I so wished, which I don't. I really do need to get laid, though. Its been forever. I've been putting all my sexual energy into working out, so that I'll look good enough for anyone I want to fuck me. Not that I haven't been getting myself off at least twice a day, but now I practically have the whole Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy memorized, which isn't exactly something to brag about.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I walk into my state-of-the-art kitchen and pour myself a bowl of Froot Loops, as I don't feel like making anything. Not that I really know how to make anything well besides grilled cheese. It's Saturday, and I've elected to give my assistant, Cody the day off. I'm not really doing anything today that requires his assistance. I'm not doing anything work related today, in fact. I figured I'd just go the gym again. Thinking about it now, though, that's the last thing I feel like doing.

I put a pot of coffee on the stove, and decide I should go get the newspaper. I really do need to take a break from all the Fifty Shades. That girl will literally do anything that guy can think of. Ugh, what I wouldn't give.

First, I go to my closet to get dressed, one of those walk-in closets that women love. I don't know why, but I hate just hanging out in a towel or a robe. I mean, I'm all for hanging out and doing nothing, but I have to be wearing normal clothes. I slip on a pair of dark gray pants, a blue James Perse t-shirt, and converse. I had grown some excess stubble for while we were shooting, but I think I'll actually leave it for a bit. It helps hide my chinneck. That's where my chin flows rather gracefully into my neck without any definition, in case you weren't aware.

The second I step outside I regret not putting on a sweater. I know I'll only be out here for a minute, but damn, it's cold as shit at 6:00 am in Los Angeles, even if it's summer. As I shiver and tear open the plastic bag containing the paper, I see quite possibly the most beautiful young woman jogging across the street. Wearing tight black shorts and a blue sports bra, she looks sexy as fuck. How is she not freezing? As she loops around the culdasac and onto my side of the street, her brunette ponytail swaying back and forth, I notice that she does in fact look freezing. And hot. Man, I'd like to fuck her.

I smile at her. She slows to a stop right in front of me and pulls two ear buds out of her ears. "Hi!" she smiles brightly. Maybe she recognizes me.
"How are you not freezing?" I smile again.

"I am," she giggles. Cute.

"Then why are you running practically naked? Not that you don't have the body for it, you totally do..." I trail off. What is wrong with me, why did I just say that. She's probably really creeped out now, plus, she only looks about eighteen. Legal...

She flushes. But that could just be the cold air stinging her cheeks. "Well, I was sleeping at a friend's house and I always go jogging this early, but I forgot to pack a good running shirt..." she looks down.

Damn, she's cute. She seems to be looking past me ever so slightly, as though she's trying to hint that she wants to come in. Hmm. I'm gonna go for it. What do I have to lose, right? And I'm Matthew Fucking Perry. She would be lucky to be fucked by me. Yikes, just got really conceited there. Anyways, I don't think she'd be creeped out if I invited her in, because I'm pretty sure she knows who I am.
"I don't mean to interrupt your work out, but would you like to come inside? I just put some hot coffee on the stove."

For a second I think I almost see her eyes pop out of her head with excitement, but she quickly blinks and recovers, "That would be so great!" I can tell she's trying not to smile too big. This might just go well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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