1. "Why does everything remind me of him?"

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How the actual fuck am I supposed to get through school, Huh...??

It's only 8 am.. why..

Kusanagi Nene was staring at her alarm clock, groaning wondering whether to snooze it or to actually get up.

Her mind insisted on getting up, but her heart told her to snooze it.

She had reached out her hand any second, and was gonna snooze it in a matter of minutes, her hand hovering in the air, When-

When she heard someone ringing her doorbell over and over, and over and over-


I swear to fucking GOD if it's you again."


No reply.

So obviously, I was forced to get up to check the door.

Rui, If it really is you, I'll fucking make sure you burn alive.

I got up, still in my pastel green nightgown, and put on my bunny slippers.

I don't get why Rui and Emu like cats over rabbits and bunnies, they are so much better.

No clue what Tsukasa likes though, all I know about him is that he's a 'WORLD FUTURE STAR!'.

I drowsily dragged myself across the hallway and down the stairs, God, why do I live alone in such a big house..

I would've fallen on the second last step any second because I jumped down instead of going down a step at a time like an abnormal person, but somehow managed to not.

Why does it feel like its taking fucking forever to get to the door, ugh..

FINALLY, After what felt like years, I opened the door, looking down, not even bothering to look who it is.

Rui, I swear to fucking god if you do that again I will murder y—"

Suddenly, while looking down, I noticed his shoes.

Wait a goddamn fucking second.


I heard the cutest chuckle I have ever heard from above, God?

"Yeah, Rui doesn't wear shoes like this."

Wait a goddamn second don't tell me.


I yelled, looking up, all my sleep suddenly disappearing.

I did NOT just call Tsukasa's laugh cute. I take it back.

"You got that one right.

Hi Nene."

"That's Kusanagi to you."


"That was from pure shock, You're Tenma to me."

He looked, well.. kinda sad, but he deserved that.

I still felt bad though, but ignored it.

"..Well alright then."

"So, Why the fuck are you here at my house?"

"Well, Rui and Emu said they can't make it for school today, and Rui told me you wouldn't wake up unless someone called you, so.."

That fucking jerk.

"I'm gonna lose my shit with you." - a NeneKasa FicWhere stories live. Discover now