Volume 1 - XII

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<< chapter 12 >>

~ Alynth Vs Akhand Arora ~

He was a prince, but fought like a knight

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He was a prince, but fought like a knight.


"This date looks perfect for the sagaai, Maharaj." Spoke the priest, referring to his traditional Indian calendar.

"Wonderful! Rajaji, let's finalise this date and inform everyone. We also need to take care of the invitations!"

Jyotsana started making a mind map of all the pending work that had to be completed within a span of one week.

"Offoo Maasa! Chill. Me, Sunil and Vikram Bhai are there. We'll take care of everything." Assured Ishan.

The meeting with the priests was dismissed and Jyotsana headed towards the royal kitchen to start preparing the menu for the grand engagement.

Ishan stood in the large, spacious and luxurious balcony, looking ahead at a distance. He saw eight men, not clearly, but by their outline it could be made out.

Ishan's ducked himself and hid behind the balcony wall and looked through the gaps carved between it.

They carried bags and they didn't look like they belonged to Akhand Arora. But they were dressed in the kingdom's uniform.



Sunil came in and just with one eye contact with Ishan he came to know why he was called.

"I'll prepare our troops."

Just as Sunil was heading outside to do his job, Ishan stopped him.

"They've explosives. Our troops won't work here. We've to hatch a plan."

"What do you want to do?" Sunil asked him.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ishan looked at him again.

"Gather Papa and all the ministers in the emergency room. Maasa too. Also inform Pandu uncle, since he's been the ex-defence minister, he has more experience plus contacts."

"But Ishan..."

"There's no time for bullshit Sunil! Do as I say. Or else we'll all be dead by the end of the day."


"How are you, Chutki?" Asked Pandattva over the call.

"Baba, Akhand Arora...." Hiya spoke, panting.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Pandattva, getting worried.

"I had a premonition, Baba. Akhand Arora is going to face an attack! From Alynth! Just get there and inform Maharaj and Yuvraj."

"Oh God, you drive safely and try to reach as quickly as possible."

Hiya cut the call and accelerated the vehicle.

"God, please keep everyone safe!"
Hiya prayed fervently while driving


"We can't use the hidden attack place. It's been dead since years. And they haven't been repaired yet." Said Sunil.

"Pandu, how many people are there right now in Akhand Arora? And soldiers?" Asked an irritated Jaisingh.

"Many, Maharaj. About three lakh. And about the soldiers, we have only a thousand here."

"How about we inform the central government?" Someone present in the room suggested.

"Whole world knows how dangerous explosives from Alynth are. The government won't risk soldiers' lives to save a lakh people. And even if they do, they will never be able to reach here on time." Pandattva stated.

"The news is spread. A helper heard you and Sunil speak about 'something dangerous will happen' and everyone knows now. The attackers will be more impulsive and conscious now."

Jyotsana informed entering the room, making eye contact with her youngest.

"Ibrahim has planned everything very well."

"What do you mean, Yuvraj?" Asked Pandattva Raj.

"Pandu Uncle, think. Our kingdom just extended the empire to J&K, that's the reason why our troops are gone for the safety of the locals present there. Also, our security was a bit loose due to Vibha's marriage proposal and other arrangements."

"Now what do we do? We have almost nothing in front of them." Said Pandattva Raj.

"I have an idea."

All the heads turned to the feminine voice, that wasn't Jyotsana's.


Sagaai - Engagement
Rajaji- King

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