Chapter 1: New Changes

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Slowly standing up, I dusted myself off before finding a spot on the couch to sit. I sighed as I continued " When the triples come of age, I am leaving...". Ash looked at me confused as he questioned"Oliver, what are you talking about? Why are you leaving?". I looked at him with tired eyes as I said" Ash, come on. I give life. Our children deserve so much better... I can't do this anymore. They don't deserve to watch their only mother be treated like this and struggle with this depression... When the time comes, and when the triplets turn 18, I will overturn everything to my children. Everything will be split up among my children except Aimi. My father has granted me control over their pack he is leader of. When the time is right, grant one of them the pack. Teach them how to run it.". I looked at him before I stood up and walked away from Ash, who stood there in shock.

Many years had passed since the very moment that Oliver had let it slipped.

The request from Oliver had been kept secret as he had been there each of his children throughout the years. He was even there when his grandchildren was born. Oliver had even helped Iris give birth to his first grandchild. Life was good until it wasn't.

Not even a week since of his first grandchild was brought into the world, Oliver had disappeared. Not a trace of him could be found. It was like he hadn't even existed. Though Ash reassured that the children he was alright and needed time. Time to heal from the hurt, and be away from people.

The children now over 20, and each to their own paths. The triplets ran a nightclub due to the absolute fortune left for them and their siblings. Iris ran a normal life with her mate due to not wanting to run the pack. She had to admit, it was stressful enough with a child under 1 years old. She couldn't handle the thought of paperwork. On the other hand, the triplets remained unknown to the simple fact of having them or others to run the pack.

Caleb sighed softly as he laid back against the leather couch just as the smoke left his lips. He felt so damn stressed out about everything. He looked over to his brothers, annoyed. Christoper had some dumb blond on his lap, seemingly fucking his brother through his clothes. Charlie looked through their paperwork for the club as he smoked a cigar. He sat there as he calculated the amount of money and work put into the business.
Caleb hummed before he found himself getting up to leave the office,leaving the two to their "devices".

The loud thumping of music was the first to hit Caleb once he exited the office. His eyes landed on many, many customers there. He watched them dance amongst the swarm of bodies,drink to their hearts contents. He smirked as he looked over the balcony. So many fucking women there. A few men cuties there too. Caleb wasn't there to judge. He often found both sexes attractive. Or at least to him, fuckable.

Caleb's presence began to attract many eyes on him as he headed towards the bar. With a begrudging voice, he ordered the hard liquor. Not that he could get so drunk, but to have a way to ease his headache. Why the hell did he go into business with his damn brothers anyway? It's not like they had to do everything together. But they did,no matter what it was.
College, dating, business.
He ran his hands through his hair, slicking it back from his face. Caleb sipped his drink before taking the time to notice a woman staring at him from across the bar in the corner of his eyes. She didn't look away when he looked at her. The woman smirked as she soon made her way over to Caleb. Her hips swayed in her little tight dress. Her skirt edging her ass, begging for it to pop out from underneath. She took a seat next to Caleb before she set her drink on the bar. "Hey,Handsome. The name is Claire." She spoke seductively. Caleb looked her up and down. Her breast cupped by the dress,making it more noticeable for all eyes to see. A smirk grew on his face. "Caleb. What is a woman like you doing here in such a club...without a man at your side?" Caleb asked, not caring for an answer. Of course, he knew why she was here. And he would give it to her.

Taking her back to his place was simple.

Caleb roughly kissed the woman as their tongues wrestled. His hands cupped her ass as her slender arms wrapped around his neck. His touches grew bolder before he yanked her dress off. The woman scolded him for tearing such an expensive dress. Caleb just smirked as they pulled apart before he looked at the "expensive" dress. If it was expensive, it didn't show too well. "Honey, I'm rich enough to buy 3 of these in three colors. Besides, who gives a fuck about a dress? You need to focus on me." He declared as he walked her into a wall. Her beautiful breasts pressed his chest as he pinned her arms above her head. She squirmed underneath his attentive eyes. The way her body arched, the way her breathing began to get heavy, the way her thighs rubbed together. His voice ordered her to not move,which she obediently did so. Caleb grinned at her willingness to follow orders. Soon he kissed her  again. His tongue deep in her mouth. His leg parted her legs apart as they kissed. Caleb soon ended the kiss,but Caleb was not finished with her just yet.

There was so much for him to do and it was gonna last until either of them tapped out.

His tongue began to trail downwards. His tongue lingers to lick sensitive areas and leave his marks on her neck. Next was her breasts. He groaned at the taste of her skin. His tongue licked the cleavage before his tongue headed towards her left nipple. His tongue flicked her hardened pebbled nipple, making her jump. Caleb smacked her ass hard. It reminded her to not move. He took her nipple into his mouth, suckling it as his hand twisted and teased the the other. Moans filled the room as he continued downwards. Caleb left lingering trails of slobber and hickies in his wake. He soon found his destination, right in between her legs. He held Claire steady as he pressed kisses to her inner thighs. His tongue touched her wet core. She shuddered in needs as his tongue circled around the little button of nerves. He had earned her mewls and moans.

It was almost 4 in the morning when they were done fucking around. It was even 7 in the morning when he had woken up to Claire getting dressed. He looked at her then at the time. It was 7:34 am. Still too early for him to go to work. Getting out of bed nude, he walked to his bathroom to take the morning leak. His body covered with bites and hickies. He knew they wouldn't last long. Caleb found himself getting dressed in some boxers and some pajamas pants before hearing someone knocking loudly in his door. He growled in annoyance as he walked to the door. He opened the door quickly to cease the loud knocks that was at his door. A timid woman stood there with her fist in the armor with a worried expression on her face. Crossing his arms, he looked at her annoyed.
"Didn't anyone tell you to knock on a stranger's like you're the damn police?" He chastised. The woman looked instantly surprised by the tone of his voice.

"I gotten a text that my sister was here. Where is she?" The woman asked as she tried to look past the male. Caleb just moved his body to allow her in. Claire smiled happily as she headed towards the woman. She winked back at Caleb as she said her goodbye. They both walked away,but not before Caleb gotten a look at the woman that Claire left with. Her scent...was something out of this world. The kind of scent that would left him aching and wanting for more. Caleb hummed as he then went back inside of his place. That damn woman left him with an all worked up appetite that needs filling.

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